With the eyes of the world firmly fixed on Stockholm and the upcoming announcement of the 2012 Nobel Prize recipients, the IP & Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world leader in intelligent information for businesses and professionals, announced its 2012 “Nobel-class” Citation Laureates today.
Annually, Thomson Reuters citation analysts mine proprietary data from the company’s research platform, Web of Knowledge™, to identify the most influential researchers in the categories of chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, and economics. Based on a thorough review of citations to their research, the company names these high-impact researchers as Thomson Reuters Citation Laureates and predicts them to be Nobel Prize winners, either this year or in the future.
“Our Citation Laureate selection process operates much like the Nobel Foundation’s selection process,” said David Pendlebury, Thomson Reuters citation analyst. “We recognize fundamental discoveries and identify the most important contributors to these discoveries. Our Citation Laureates have made such important contributions to science that we believe them to be peers of the Nobel Prize winners in every way; they simply have yet to win.”
The Citation Laureates rank among the top one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) of researchers in their fields in terms of citation impact, based on citations of their published papers over the last three decades. The 2012 Laureates include 21 influential researchers whose high-profile discoveries cover pioneering work such as quantum teleportation (Charles H. Bennett of IBM Corporation, Gilles Brassard of the University of Montreal and William K. Wootters of Williams College); the experimental demonstration of “slow light” (Stephen E. Harris of Stanford University and Lene V. Hau of Harvard University); and fundamental discoveries in genetic regulation (C. David Allis of Rockefeller University and Michael Grunstein of University of California, Los Angeles).
Also among the high-profile achievements of this year’s picks is the pioneering work in financial market volatility and the dynamics of asset prices by Robert Shiller of Yale University. Shiller is known as the author of the best-selling book Irrational Exuberance, which warned of the damaging stock and housing market bubbles.
Thirteen of the 2012 Citation Laureates hail from American institutions, two are from Canada, three from Japan and three from the United Kingdom. Now in its eleventh consecutive year of predictions, Thomson Reuters has successfully predicted 26 Nobel Prize recipients to date.
For detailed information about the Citation Laureates and their fields of research, and to learn about previously named Citation Laureates who are still contending for a Nobel Prize, visit the Thomson Reuters Citation Laureates website at http://sciencewatch.thomsonreuters.com/nobel.