EDP Sciences is pleased to announce that Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (SWSC) has received its first impact factor of 2.519 according to the 2013 Journal Citation Report, published by Thomson Reuters.
“This Impact Factor is not an achievement. It is a picture in a long process. But it gives us a good idea of our place in the frame: a good one…,” said Jean Litensten, SWSC Editor in Chief. “This is of course firstly due to the great work by all the Associate Editors and the Editorial Office, we are very proud to belong to a team with so many skills and so much enthusiasm, able to construct something as beautiful as a scientific journal.”
Thomson-Reuters also publishes an Immediacy Index of 0.600 (citations of SWSC articles published in 2013).
Launched in 2010, The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (SWSC) is an international multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed open access, with an author pays model. SWSC publishes papers on all aspects of space weather and space climate from a broad range of scientific and technical fields.