Swiss Medical Press publishes the Journal of Comorbidity, an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal for the management of patients with comorbidity/multimorbidity (multiple chronic conditions).
The Journal of Comorbidity publishes original clinical and experimental research articles on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, prevention and management of patients with comorbidity/multimorbidity.
In addition to original papers, the journal publishes treatment guidelines, policies, editorials, commentaries, protocols, and critical review articles, as well as proceedings of congresses. Preference is given to articles that advance the clinical management of patients. The Editorial Board also welcomes ideas and suggestions for special issues dedicated to a unique theme.
With the journal’s open access model, all articles are freely available online, ensuring the widest international reach of published work. The journal offers fast, rigorous peer review and continuous online publication.
The Chief Editorial Board comprises five prominent academic primary healthcare professionals who have been instrumental in not only raising awareness of multimorbidity but also leading research in the field. The five Co-Editors-in-Chief are:
• Martin Fortin, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
• Jane Gunn, University of Melbourne, Australia
• Stewart W. Mercer, University of Glasgow, UK
• Susan Smith, RCSI Medical School, Ireland
• Marjan van den Akker, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
The journal also has a larger and wider network of Editorial Board members to reflect the broad scope of the field of multimorbidity.
“We are excited to publish a journal that addresses such an important and growing area of research worldwide,” said Dr. Sandra Cox, Publisher of the Journal of Comorbidity. “Preventing and managing multiple health conditions has become a healthcare and research priority. We hope that the Journal of Comorbidity will become an invaluable source for the dissemination of research findings,” she added.
“The existence of an authoritative resource for multimorbidity publications would constitute an inestimable lever to increase the visibility and the impact of research on multimorbidity, with the potential to eventually improve the lives of those with multimorbidity,” said Prof. Martin Fortin, Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, and Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, Chicoutimi, Canada.
For more information about the journal or to submit an article, please go to: http://www.jcomorbidity.com
Or contact our editors today at: editorial@jcomorbidity.com