EDP Sciences and the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) have announced today that six mathematics journals will continue to publish in open access under the Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) model in 2022*. This demonstrates the support from the library community for this equitable open access model which enables open access publication without article processing charges (APCs).
Last year, due to the challenging conditions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, the decision to publish in open access under S2O was taken based on a range of exceptional factors rather than finances alone. In 2022, we are delighted to have reached our targets at the portfolio level, and it has therefore been a straightforward decision to keep the journals open.
“We are grateful to all our subscribers and sponsors who have lent their support to S2O and believe in this equitable and collaborative subscription model,” commented Agnès Henri, Managing Director, EDP Sciences. “Our six mathematics journals will continue to need support and we encourage more libraries to join our S2O programme.”
“We are delighted that our mathematics titles will continue to be published in open access,” commented Amandine Véber, Director of Publications, SMAI. “Equitable open science is very important in the mathematics community and we are proud to support this through our publishing strategies.”
“Transparency is an essential element for all stakeholders involved in the S2O model,” commented Anne Ruimy, Senior Publisher, EDP Sciences. “As advocates of open science, we support the principle of transparency and will shortly update our Transparency Report to reflect financial and other important data from 2021.”
In 2020, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena was the first mathematics journal in the world to adopt the S2O model. Since then, a lot of work has taken place to develop the S2O programme both with SMAI and within the Subscribe to Open Community of Practice. The S2O model received a boost in 2021 when it was endorsed by cOAlition S. In addition, the transition of our mathematics journals to open access is supported by funds from the Fonds national pour la science ouverte (FNSO), and by the CNRS as part of the Diamond OA action plan.