Palgrave Macmillan and Springer have decided to align their eBook collections, collating all Palgrave Connect eBooks on SpringerLink and adding thousands more to the Springer Book Archives, as a result of the recent combination of Macmillan Science and Education and Springer Science+Business Media to create Springer Nature.
Starting with the 2016 collections, all titles that would have been available on Palgrave Connect will be integrated into the Springer eBook collections. As a result, there are now 10 new eBook collections focusing on the humanities, social sciences and business, management and finance disciplines.
Heinz Weinheimer, Managing Director of the Springer Research Group at Springer Nature said: “Combining the Palgrave Connect eBook packages with the Springer HSS eBook packages allows us to better serve libraries globally. In addition, Palgrave Macmillan authors will benefit from increased exposure and a wider distribution range.
“As part of our ongoing commitment to the research community, older Palgrave Macmillan books will also be added to the Springer Book Archives. This initiative makes books from the Palgrave Macmillan backlist available in electronic format, breathing life into books which might no longer be available. Palgrave Macmillan books will never ‘go out of print’ and can be preserved for future use.”
Benefits of the integration of SpringerLink and Palgrave Connect for future Palgrave Macmillan titles include the use of Bookmetrix™ showing relevant data about all eBooks on SpringerLink with regards to usage, readers, citations and mentions in social media. Titles will also be listed in authormapper.com, helping librarians and their patrons to map out where research is concentrated globally. In addition, users from licensed institutions will also be able to purchase MyCopy versions of Palgrave Macmillan titles. MyCopy is a digitally printed softcover edition of the eBook at a flat fee of only 24.99 (EUR/USD/GBP/CHF).
The full integration is currently being executed, and will be complete in the first quarter of 2016.
For more information please see springer.com/ebooks. The Springer Book Archives can be found here.