Two further new read and publish deals drives Springer Nature’s transformative deals into double figures
New agreements agreed this week with the Bibsam consortium in Sweden and Norway’s Unit consortium takes the number of Springer Nature’s read and publish deals to ten, putting the publisher firmly on the path to becoming a transformative publisher.
In a first for Springer Nature, Bibsam, representing the institutional libraries, and four of Sweden’s funding bodies (the Swedish Research Council, Formas, Forte and Vinnova) have agreed a deal which will see them share the costs of publishing in Springer Nature’s OA journals. This will enable Swedish researchers affiliated with participating organisations in the Bibsam consortium to publish in over 570 of Springer Nature’s OA journals, including Nature Communications, the world’s most highly cited OA journal, and Scientific Reports, one of the world’s largest OA journals, without having to directly pay APC costs.
According to Bibsam consortium this collaborative approach to supporting OA is“only the beginning [and we] will continue to work with funders and publishers to find solutions for new publishing agreements”.
This landmark agreement with Bibsam, which also sees a renewal of its read and publish with Springer Nature, will cover 99% of Sweden’s publishing output.
Springer Nature has also agreed a transformative read and publish deal with Norway. This agreement, which will run from 2020 to 2022, will allow researchers in Norway to read articles in journals on SpringerLink and Norwegian authors to publish Open Access in over 2000 journals, making primary research with corresponding authors from Norway immediately and freely accessible from the point of publication, which Unit, says will “meet all our requirements for transition agreements, and will enable Norwegian researchers to read and publish in the majority of Springer journals.”
Commenting on these two deals, Frank Vrancken Peeters Chief Commercial Officer for Springer Nature, said: “Springer Nature is committed to speeding up the transition to Open Access as having early and rapid access to research findings is fundamental to the advancement of science and discovery.
“We are extremely pleased to have signed with Bibsam our first ever pure OA deal and are delighted to welcome Norway to our Read and Publish family as we know the important role such deals play in driving the transition to open access. They show what can be achieved for the research community when academic institutions, libraries, and research funders work effectively together.
“These deals mark an acceleration of our commitment to speed up the transition to OA and, with such deals recognised by Plan S as a compliant way to transition to OA, makes our idea of transformative publishing a reality.”