SAGE today announced that Patrick Carr has won the SAGE travel grant for a librarian at the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) International conference 2011.
Patrick, Head of Electronic & Continuing Resource Acquisitions at Joyner Library, East Carolina University won the place by answering the question “Why should librarians be talking to publishers in 2011? with the following:
“To foster transformative and sustainable enhancements in patron services through dialogue, collaboration, and innovation”
Two runners up were also selected by the judging panel:
Sharon Duan, E-Content Advisor, Information Management and Innovation Library and Learning Resources Centre entered with:
“To influence and inform the publishing world, so that publishers and libraries are fully prepared to meet current and future scholarly needs”
Judith A. Koveleskie, Periodicals Librarian at Seton Hill University, Reeves Memorial Library entered with:
“They are partners in providing resources which are interesting, attractive, and credible to a world that is drowning in misinformation”
“We received 50 entries from librarians around the world, many of which touched on issues about collaboration, which was the key thing we hope this grant will facilitate,” said Clive Parry, Global Marketing Director, SAGE. “We were delighted to see so much enthusiasm for greater connections between librarians and publishers in developing user-centric content delivery solutions for the future, and look forward to hearing Patrick’s views from the conference.”
The ALPSP conference takes place this year from 14-16th September at Heythrop Park near Oxford. The SAGE travel grant will provide Patrick Carr with a free place at the conference, including entry to the ALPSP awards dinner, plus costs towards his travel and accommodation.
On accepting his grant, Mr Carr said: “I am honoured by my receipt of the SAGE travel grant and am greatly looking forward to attendance at the ALPSP International Conference. Now is a time in which effective communication and partnership between the library and publishing communities is truly essential. I am excited to have the opportunity to participate in that discussion this September at the ALPSP International Conference.”
For more information about the conference please visit: www.alpspconference.org