From January 2013, Taylor & Francis’ Open Select programme will include the majority of journals featured in the Taylor & Francis and Routledge portfolios.
As our ‘hybrid’ Open Access programme – Taylor & Francis and Routledge Open Select – continues to grow, the number of journals included in the programme will more than double from 700 to over 1,600 titles, primarily due to the addition of the majority of our Routledge journals portfolio. As the world’s leading social science publisher, we believe that adding social science, arts and humanities journals to the Open Select programme will provide important venues for scholars in these fields who wish to publish in highly-regarded journals on an Open Access basis. We will offer authors the choice to pay to make their research Open Access upon payment of an Article Publishing Charge(APC), or to publish without the APC, whereby research is available for individuals and institutions to purchase.
Editor of the Journal of Library Administration, Sul Lee (Dean, Emeritus, University Libraries, the University of Oklahoma), is pleased with the increase commenting, ‘In my view this is a very positive approach to Open Access in that Taylor & Francis plays a role of a partner for solution.’We are working with RCUK and the Wellcome Trust to ensure that our journals will be compliant with their mandates when they come into place from April 2013, and are taking the same steps to be compliant with the European Commission’s ruling around Horizon 2020 research.
Our vision for the future is to work with our societies and editors to further enhance the service that we offer to authors, continue to deliver quality content and maximise discoverability of research. Victoria Gardner, Open Access Publisher at Taylor & Francis, comments, ‘Ultimately, we hope that Open Access will be one element of our goal of universal access through our programme of Open Access journals, hybrid titles and subscription-based journals. We are committed to continued advocacy for access in developing regions though participation in initiatives such as Research4Life, INASP, PfD and our own scheme, STAR’.
In addition to Taylor & Francis and Routledge Open Select, we currently publish just under 20 Open Access titles as part of the Taylor & Francis and Routledge Open programmes. All papers published in these journals are made Open Access upon publication, and an APC applies (waivers are available to authors in developing countries). For Taylor & Francis-owned Open titles, we will now be enabling authors to sign a Creative Commons Attribution license (known as CC-BY). See our full press release here.