A wide number of forums pay increasing attention to developments in competition law and policy, reflecting the increased significance attributed to competition law enforcement. Current debate, while stimulating, has not yet attributed adequate attention to the enforcement of competition law, and it is this gap that the Journal of Antitrust Enforcement intends to fill. The journal will explore public and private competition law enforcement at both domestic and international levels.
Rhodri Jackson, Senior Publisher, Law Journals and Oxford Open at OUP, said: “We’re delighted to add JAE to our thriving and expanding competition law portfolio. JAE joinsJournal of Competition Law and Journal of European Competition Law, as well as our comprehensive books list and upcoming Oxford Competition Law service. William Kovacic and Ariel Ezrachi are stellar names with impressive records, and we’re looking forward to working with both editors to make Journal of Antitrust Enforcement an essential title for all practising and academic competition lawyers in the coming years.”
Ariel Ezrachi, Editor-in-Chief, said: “The journal will provide a unique platform for discussing the law, policy, economics, and politics entwined in competition law enforcement. This exciting venture will enrich existing debate and contribute to shaping our future competitive environment. We are delighted to work in partnership with OUP to promote scholarship in this core area.”
All JAE content will be freely available online in 2013, with content going online from today. Read the first article from the journal, Barry J Rodger’s “Why not court? A study of follow-on actions in the UK” now. For more information about the journal, including subscriptions, article submission guidelines, and how to register for free content-alerting services, please visit: www.antitrust.oxfordjournals.org