OCLC Research Consulting Project Manager Eric Childress has accepted an invitation to join the NISO Content and Collection Management Committee. NISO (National Information Standards Organization) identifies, develops, maintains, and publishes technical standards related to managing information in the digital environment. The committee is one of three main leadership groups that help oversee existing and new standards work for NISO.
Each Topic Committee works with the community it serves to develop and maintain the plans necessary to sustain an active standards program for its area. As part of this work, they review and approve new work items, provide oversight to working groups, review and approve final publications, provide reviews of standards that are due for their five-year reaffirmation and provide recommendations on these, and more.
The Content and Collections Management Topic Committee focuses on issues regarding developing, describing, providing access to, and maintaining content items and collections. Current working groups under its oversight include Digital Bookmarking and Annotation Sharing, Standardized Markup for Journal Articles, the joint NISO/NFAIS Working Group on Supplemental Journal Materials and other maintenance agencies concerned with Dublin Core and the “classic Z39” family of NISO standards.
The committee meets monthly via teleconference and, when possible, annually in person. Committee terms are for three years.