Senior Research Scientist Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ph.D. has been elected to a three-year term on the Board of Directors of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.
“It is an honor to be elected to the ASIS&T Board of Directors,” Dr. Connaway said. “I look forward to working with the ASIS&T board and the membership to provide value to information researchers and professionals by more fully developing an association that engages participation in ASIS&T conferences and ASIS&T-sponsored professional and research activities.”
The ASIS&T Board of Directors constitutes the policy-making body for the organization, and generally oversees the affairs of the Society. Two of the six Directors-at-large are elected annually by ballot from among the voting members of the Society for terms of three years. The new board convenes following the organization’s annual business meeting, which will occur this year on October 30 at the close of the 75th Annual Meeting in Baltimore Maryland. The board meets at least twice a year.
“We are really pleased that the ASIS&T community has bestowed this honor on Lynn,” said Lorcan Dempsey, Vice President, OCLC Research, and Chief Strategist. “We hope it enriches the interactions between OCLC Research and the diverse information communities it serves.”
Dr. Connaway leads the OCLC Research User Behavior Studies & Synthesis activities theme. Her responsibilities include research projects that directly involve OCLC libraries and users as well as collaborative investigations of digital information seekers, users in the virtual research environment, and digital “visitors” and “residents”; and IMLS-funded grant projects to study virtual reference and social question and answer services and the behavior patterns of college and university information seekers.
She earned the Ph.D. in Library and Information Studies from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, a Master of Library Science degree from the University of Arizona, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Library Science from Edinboro State University. In addition to her activities with ASIS&T, Dr. Connaway has been actively involved in numerous committees within the American Library Association, including its Association for College and Research Libraries Research Planning and Review Committee, and the ALA Committee on Accreditation. She also is a member of the Association of Library and Information Science Educators (ALISE).
The American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) supports a range of efforts to improve access to information and advance the information sciences and related applications of information technology. The Society seeks to stimulate participation and interaction among its members, encourages and supports personal and professional growth, works to increase the influence of information professionals among decision-makers, promotes informed policy on national and international information issues, and supports the advancement of research and development in basic and applied information science.