Clinical & Translational Immunology (CTI), a new online-only open access journal, is live at www.nature.com/cti. Published by Nature Publishing Group (NPG) and the Australasian Society for Immunology (ASI), the official launch coincides with the annual ASI meeting currently being held in Melbourne, Australia.
CTI is a companion title to Immunology & Cell Biology (ICB) www.nature.com/icb/. CTI publishes the latest advances in biomedical research in clinical immunology and translational research, aiming to help scientists and physicians remain informed and connected to the most pressing issues in immunology research. The journal focuses on fields such as cancer biology, cardiovascular research, gene therapy, immunology, vaccine development and disease pathogenesis and therapy at the earliest phases of investigation.
“We are very pleased to have this opportunity to further strengthen our relationship with the Australasian Society for Immunology through the launch of CTI,” said Dugald McGlashan, Publisher of NPG’s Asia-Pacific Academic Journals. “We look forward to offering further open access options to our authors from around the world.”
All content in Clinical & Translational Immunology is open access and freely available to researchers worldwide through the nature.com platform. An article-processing charge (APC) will be levied per article accepted for publication, and authors will have a choice of a range of Creative Commons licenses.
The editorial team is led by Editor-in-Chief Gabrielle Belz, of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia, with Dr. Adrian Liston and Dr. Stuart Tangye as Deputy Editors. An international editorial board, consisting of highly respected immunology researchers, supports the editorial team.
Dr Belz said: “The ASI are excited to work with Nature Publishing Group on this new journal that facilitates global communication and collaboration into important aspects of immunological research and its translation to providing positive clinical outcomes.”
CTI is the 14th journal published by NPG in the Asia-Pacific region, and joins 60 journals in NPG’s journal portfolio that have either an open access option or are entirely open access. 58 of its 62 academic and society publications (94%) have introduced open access options or are open access journals. A full list of open access titles that NPG publishes is available on nature.com.