The Company of Biologists is delighted to announce a new Read & Publish Open Access agreement with the Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee (JULAC) Consortium for 2023.
Corresponding authors at participating JULAC institutions in Hong Kong can publish an uncapped number of research articles immediately Open Access (OA) in our hybrid journals (Development, Journal of Cell Science and Journal of Experimental Biology) plus our fully Open Access journals (Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open) without paying an article processing charge (APC). Researchers at participating institutions also benefit from unlimited access to our hybrid journals, including their full archives dating back to 1853.
Flora Ng, JULAC Chair and CIO/University Librarian, The University of Hong Kong, says:
“As stated in the JULAC’s Position Statement on Open Scholarship, JULAC is committed to enabling Open Access (OA) to research publications. This agreement with The Company of Biologists is an example of the tangible support that libraries can provide to their institution’s researchers in making their work Open Access.”
Sarah Logan, Regional Sales Manager at The Company of Biologists, says:
“We are very excited about our new partnership with the JULAC Consortium. This partnership will allow us to consolidate our approach and strengthen relationships with libraries in Hong Kong. Within the JULAC group we are seeing the transition of several established subscribers to new Read & Publish agreements supporting Open Access publishing. Five JULAC members have now signed up to the consortium agreement.”
Claire Moulton, Publisher at The Company of Biologists, says:
“As a not-for-profit publisher dedicated to supporting the biological community worldwide, we have a long-standing commitment to Open Access publishing. Our journals were the first in the world to be awarded Transformative Journal status by Plan S and the success of our Read & Publish initiative has already driven a significant increase in Open Access research content in our hybrid journals. We welcome our new Read & Publish agreement with the JULAC Consortium and look forward to working together to promote the growth of Open Access publishing in the biological and biomedical sciences in Hong Kong.”