Springer has launched a new journal Science China Materials (SCMs). Part of the Science China Press (SCP) journal series, the international peer-reviewed journal covers all aspects of materials science. It is co-sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China and is published monthly in both print and electronic formats.
Science China Materials fosters communication of high-quality, innovative research results at the interface of materials science with chemistry, physics, biology and engineering, focusing especially on breakthroughs made by Chinese scientists. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles, reviews, letters on the latest novel research findings, perspectives which discuss research breakthroughs and funding policies, and instructive highlights presenting the results of original research. The electronic version will be available on SpringerLink (link.springer.com).
According to Professor Yadong Li, Editor-in-Chief of SCMs, “It’s a smart decision to partner with Springer. With the support of Springer’s international publishing platform, SCMs will benefit both in terms of academic influence and journal visibility. Our goal is to develop SCMs into a world-leading academic journal of materials science.”
Dr. Lu Ye, Editorial Director at Springer Beijing Office, added, “SCMs is a strong addition to the Science China Press journal series package. We are happy to continue our excellent cooperation with SCP and look forward to fruitful outcomes.”
Springer’s SCP journal series is co-published with Science China Press, a journal publishing company of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The journal series comprises a total of nine high-quality academic journals including the Science Bulletin (formerly the Chinese Science Bulletin). The series provides quality content originating mainly from Chinese scientists from a broad range of fields such as earth, information and life sciences; technology; chemistry; physics; mathematics and now materials sciences.
Science China Materials ISSN 2095-8226 (print) | 2199-4501 (electronic)