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Syracuse University Libraries recently signed its 12th ‘read and publish’ open access agreement, this time with major academic publisher Springer, expanding the reach of researchers’ scholarly contributions by enabling all University-affiliated authors the ability to publish their work open access in Springer’s more than 2,000 hybrid journals at no charge to them.
Syracuse University Libraries recently signed a ‘read and publish’ open access agreement with major academic publisher Springer to expand the reach of researchers’ scholarly contributions.
Open access allows anyone to use these scholarly works, free of charge and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions for further use. ‘Read and publish’ agreements allow University-affiliated authors to make their work immediately open access when they run in journals that are published by these organizations, at no cost to the author.
Springer journals constitute one of the largest publication venues for Syracuse University’s authors. Based on the strong publication history of University authors in Springer titles, Syracuse University Libraries expect this most recent three-year agreement to have a wide reach. Springer imprints covered by this agreement include Palgrave Macmillan journals, Adis Journals and academic journals. Excluded are gold open-access titles and nature-branded journal titles.
“This is a substantive agreement that the Libraries is supporting, and we believe it will have broad impact for our University-affiliated authors,” says David Seaman, dean of the Libraries and University Librarian. “Increasing the opportunities for open access publishing at no cost to the authors is an important goal in the Libraries’ academic strategic plan. We are committed to driving the open distribution of research data and scholarship to increase the University’s global impact and reputation.”
This agreement was negotiated through the NorthEAST Research Libraries consortium (NERL) for seven NERL member institutions. Scott Warren, the Libraries’ senior associate dean for research excellence, co-chaired the NERL negotiation team. More information on the NERL and Springer open publishing agreement is available on the Center for Research Libraries’ website.
For more information, including instructions on how authors can take advantage of these agreements, visit the Transformative Agreements and APC Coverage Research Guide.