Jisc has welcomed Bangor University as the 100th UK institution to join the international ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) consortium.
ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-based organisation that provides a hub to connect researchers with institutional, funder, publisher, and other researcher identifier (the unique number given to every researcher which can be attributed to all their work) systems.
Through the consortium, members are provided with guidance to automate the movement of research information between internal and external systems.
The UK research community, under the stewardship of Jisc, has led the way in ORCID adoption and continues to be the gold standard in ORCID consortium support.
This milestone highlights the mass adoption of ORCID, with over 14 million ORCID IDs issued worldwide, more than 200 thousand of which are based in the UK.
Liam Earney, managing director HE and research, and executive director of digital resources at Jisc said:
“As the founding member of the UK ORCID consortium, established in 2015, we are delighted to reach the milestone of 100 member institutions. Jisc is proud to support persistent identifiers that are essential to open and trusted research.”
Michelle Walker, repository and research data manager at Bangor University said:
“Bangor University has joined the Jisc ORCID consortium to improve the interconnectedness of the systems our academics use, to improve data quality and overall take steps towards greater automation of data transfer.
“Our aim is to reduce the administrative burdens on our academics wherever possible. ORCID offers our academics a unique identifier for accurate affiliation from a not-for-profit community initiative.”
Ivo Wijnbergen, director of engagement at ORCID said.
“ORCID consortia are communities of practice that can share knowledge through pooled resources, which drive ORCID community adoption and in turn help ensure that researchers are connected to their contributions across disciplines, borders, and time.
“We congratulate the UK ORCID consortium on reaching the milestone of 100 members. With Jisc’s support, the high level of ORCID participation in the UK higher education sector enables best practices to be shared among institutions and value to be maximised for both the national and international scholarly communities.”
As well as a discount on membership, the ORCID consortium gives access to community events and allows members to reach out to Jisc or fellow organisations for training and engagement materials.
For more information on the Jisc ORCID consortium, visit our website.