IEEE, the world’s leading technical professional organization for the advancement of technology, has maintained its position as one of the top publishers of science and technology journals. According to the 2012 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports© (JCR) released in June 2013, IEEE journals sustained their status as premier scholarly publications, earning high rankings in the Impact Factor report.
The following publications ranked #1 in their respective categories:
• IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (Automation & Control Systems)
• IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (Computer Science – Artificial Intelligence)
• IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part B, Cybernetics (Computer Science – Cybernetics)
• IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (Computer Science – Hardware & Architecture)
• IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (Computer Science – Theory & Methods)
• IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Engineering – Industrial)
• IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (Engineering – Manufacturing)
• IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (Telecommunications)
According to the 2012 report, IEEE publishes:
• 18 of the top 20 journals in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
• 10 of the top 10 journals in Telecommunications
• 8 of the top 10 journals in Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
• 7 of the top 10 journals in Automation & Control Systems
• 4 of the top 5 journals in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
• 3 of the top 5 journals in Computer Science, Cybernetics
• 3 of the top 5 journals in Robotics
• 2 of the top 5 journals in Computer Science, Information Systems
• 2 of the top 5 journals in Computer Science, Software Engineering
• 2 of the top 5 journals in Computer Science, Theory & Methods
• 2 of the top 5 journals in Imaging Science & Photographic Technology
• 2 of the top 5 journals in Remote Sensing
The report also found that IEEE publishes all of the top 10 journals in the Telecommunications category and 8 of the top 10 journals in the Electrical & Electronic Engineering category based on the Eigenfactor score, a scale that measures the number of times articles from a journal are published in the last five years.
The JCR offers a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world’s leading journals. By compiling articles’ cited references, the JCR helps to measure research influence and impact and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals.