Experimental & Molecular Medicine (EMM) has re-launched on nature.com as a fully open access title. Co-published by Nature Publishing Group (NPG) and the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (KSBMB), EMM is devoted to publishing the latest and most important advances in genetic, molecular and cellular studies of human physiology and diseases.
The journal re-launches with a revised aims and scope and publishes original research papers and reviews that communicate the improved clinical benefits for human health from the experimental and translational research performed using molecular tools. EMM provides a suitable platform for publishing studies involving basic discoveries with clinical relevance as well as those dealing with mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
The editorial team is led by Editor-in-Chief Professor Dae-Myung Jue with Professors Kyungho Choi, Sangdun Choi, Yoon-Keun Kim and Young-Han Lee as Associate Editors. A new international editorial board, composed of molecular biologists, biochemists and physicians, work with the editorial team of EMM to further define and shape the field of biomedical research.
“We are very excited to commence this new partnership with NPG,” said Professor Dae-Myung Jue, Editor-in-Chief of EMM. “We expect combining the publishing expertise of NPG with the fast-growing research in the field, especially in East Asia, will provide an ideal platform to address various medical problems that we face today.”
“The formation of the partnership between NPG and the KSBMB means that EMM, Korea’s first biochemistry journal, is also the first Korean journal to join the NPG Asia-Pacific journals program,” said Dr Dugald McGlashan, Publisher of NPG’s Asia-Pacific Academic Journals. “We look forward to working closely with the KSBMB on this truly international journal.”
EMM is the 15th journal published by NPG in the Asia-Pacific region, and joins over 60 journals in NPG’s journal portfolio that have either an open access option or are entirely open access. 58 of its 62 academic and society publications (94%) have introduced open access options or are open access journals. A full list of open access titles that NPG publishes is available on nature.com.