Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information, is pleased to announce the launch of an open access, online-only journal: New Negatives in Plant Science.
The journal will publish research focusing on negative, unexpected or controversial results in fundamental plant sciences. Published work will include research articles and short communications, as well as commentaries on previously published articles. The journal is specifically interested in covering areas of molecular-cellular biology, biochemistry, and –omics fields in algae and higher plants.
The Editors of New Negatives in Plant Science, Dr Thomas W. Okita of Washington State University and Dr José A Olivares of Los Alamos National Laboratory, hope that the journal will help encourage and drive scientific debate in basic plant sciences by sharing otherwise unpublished studies.
The Editors explain, “In published literature, more often than not we do not refer to the negative, null, or unvarying measurements that do not support a current hypothesis or accepted theory. We do this because of our cultural predispositions for positive reinforcement. Yet, this information can be valuable to the scientific community in a number of ways, for example by helping others to avoid repeating the same experiments as well as encouraging new hypothesis building.”
Emma Granqvist, the Publisher responsible for Elsevier’s Plant Sciences portfolio of journals, said, “The journal aims to avoid publication bias, making all study results widely available to the plant science community. We are delighted to be able to help achieve this aim and are convinced New Negatives in Plant Science will be a strong addition to Elsevier’s open access publications.” The journal will use the article based publishing model, which allows for immediate publication of the final version of a paper without waiting for other articles to be compiled into a full issue.
For more information or to submit an article, go to: www.journals.elsevier.com/new-negatives-in-plant-science/. – See more at: http://www.elsevier.com/about/press-releases/research-and-journals/elsevier-announces-the-launch-of-open-access-journal-new-negatives-in-plant-science#sthash.7oIdBxXO.dpuf