Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and solutions, is pleased to announce the launch today of a new journal: Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry (TrEAC).
Published as a quarterly journal and adding to Elsevier’s Analytical Chemistry portfolio of journals, Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry will publish concise and critical overviews of the rapid changes and development in the field of environmental analytical chemistry.
“Continuous advancements in novel measurement techniques and analytical protocols are making analysis and detection of many new or previously unrecognized contaminants possible, resulting in a higher awareness of the environmental problems we are facing today,” said Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Mira Petrovic, ICRA-Catalan Institute for Water Research, Girona, Spain.
Dr. Paul Carton, Publishing Director Chemistry at Elsevier, added, “The acquisition, sound interpretation and dissemination of high quality chemical data in environmental systems, the three-fold mission of this new journal, is the essential basis for enhancing our understanding of the environment at a time of challenge when it has never been more important that we do so.”
All articles published in the first issue are available on ScienceDirect: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/22141588
For more information about the journal or to submit an article, go to: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/trends-in-environmental-analytical-chemistry – See more at: http://www.elsevier.com/about/press-releases/research-and-journals/elsevier-announces-the-launch-of-a-new-journal-trends-in-environmental-analytical-chemistry-treac#sthash.mbkCZ31X.dpuf