New technologies are transforming the way publishing works. Content creation, dissemination and consumption face a multiplicity of new opportunities and challenges. True digital transformation of the content business is required to meet these challenges as well as a change of mindset, but where do you start and what does the journey look like?
This year ConTech Week 2020, now taking place from the 16th – 19th November, is bigger and bolder than before! Not only is a whole community continuing to grow around it, but we are going online to allow for a greater global audience and offering some phenomenal content.
Four afternoons of keynotes, thought leadership and case studies combined with networking with your peers from around the world.
ConTech Week 2020 will set the scene on what real digital transformation looks like for your content business. You can re-evaluate that business, focus deeply on your users and explore and discover how technological innovation is changing the competitive environment for ever! Pull everything together and plan the future ready to embrace opportunity to exploit what you have learned. This will be the continuation of your journey and will keep you equipped for today, tomorrow, and beyond.
Registration is now open and a full delegate place is £595. Single day delegate places can also be booked separately at £195. Included in the delegate price is access to fully transcribed and indexed video of all the sessions and offer places at other ConTech.Live events. Book now at https://www.contech-event.com/ConTech2020
ConTech.Live – The unfolding evolution of the content business. It is more important than ever to move with the times and the ConTech.Live team is helping make sure the best content is coming your way.
You’ll find more information about all our events at https://www.contechlive.co.uk/