Learn how leading pharma and digital healthcare industry experts are today achieving practical benefits from data integration and predictive analytics.
ConTech Pharma is focussed on how those working in the industry are today applying data integration and predictive analytics to achieve practical and pragmatic commercial outcomes within Drug Discovery.
- Learn how techniques and data are being used to deliver results and return on investment.
- Gain a broad understanding of how machine learning and semantic data integration fit together in the context of drug discovery.
- Put the buzzwords into context and understand their true meaning and relevance to your work.
Our speakers include:
Gordon Broderick – a world renowned researcher in CFS and Gulf War syndrome; he has developed a workflow for modelling, editing and validating predictive models; he will discuss how these approaches are integrating data from Elsevier and using their AI platform to run these analyses.
Chris Bendall will be speaking about the work Springer Nature has been doing to provide semantic data from their publications and make them available in their SciGraph network, he will be talking about how these techniques are being applied to Life Sciences and what the next steps are likely to be.
David Beardmore from Open Data Institute will describe a pilot project focused on gathering and openly publishing data on industry sponsored human antimicrobial surveillance programmes, with the intention of delivering Insights and learnings which will benefit clinicians, global organisations such as the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, and wider society in the fight against Drug-Resistant Infections.
See the full programme here
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