ConTech 2022 took place last week in London and online where the audience enjoyed the highest standards of presentations. The range of topics in the programme were wide and varied but all held a razor-sharp focus on the impact new and emerging technologies are having on the content landscape. From “The future of science is open” to the “arrival of synthetic media” the narratives, the conversations and discussions centred around recognising and embracing transformation as the only way forward.
The ConTech community is made up of CEOs from leading publishers and digital first and innovative start-ups. Product pioneers, transformation specialists from publishing, the music industry and online consumer markets. Research heads, advisors, data scientists, investment specialists and many more. All of these and many more were present in the audience.
Clive Snell, CEO ConTech.Live said “This fifth edition of our flagship event has been the culmination of evolving from face to face to online to our second fully hybrid event. This gives us real confidence for the future of conferences and meetings like ours. We have had some amazing and very gratifying feedback. I would like to extend enormous thanks to our chairs, ambassadors, speakers, sponsors and all our attendees around the world. We will see you all next year. We are working on making the online event record available in case you missed it and would like to catch up with it – announcements to follow very soon.”
In the meantime, a few comments from last week:
“Just a quick note to say thank you to the team at ConTech for such a great event this week. I really enjoyed meeting some fantastically interesting people and I was also impressed at the online offer as well as the in-person event itself.”
“Some great conversations, and brilliant to get back to ‘real world’ talks again”
“Thank you, Cat, for a brilliant show and all your hard work behind the scenes. It is a ton of work to pull off and you made it look easy. Honoured to have been included in such a great event.”
“It was fantastic to be a part of the marquee event again! Excited for next year’s event already!”
ConTech.Live is focused on how a new generation of technology is impacting the world of content. We are looking forward to 2023 with several events in this space and a continuation of growing this fantastic community. ConTech 2023 will return 15th and 16th November 2023
Register to keep up to date and see future events at https://www.contechlive.com/