There’s a phenomenal speaker line up. The event is full of inspirational content about the very latest challenges, technologies and transformation stories. There’s also a world class audience including CEOs, CDOs, CTOs, heads of digital, user experience, data and analytics, senior publishers and product managers as well as publishing and content technologists, info and knowledge managers and researchers.
ConTech 2022 will again be a hybrid event so places are available both online and to attend in person at The Marriott Regents Park, London.
All sessions will be recorded and available exclusively to delegates for six months.
Here’s why we continue to get fantastic support for ConTech 2022
“Working with ConTech 2022 helps us stay at the forefront of conversations bringing together scientific content and technology innovators. We are pleased to sponsor ConTech 2022 this year to support continued collaboration between content and technology organizations to drive research forward.” Dale Morgan, Associate Director of Digital Licensing, Wiley
“ConTech events offer insightful, innovative ideas around the technology driving our industry, and we’re delighted to support these discussions as returning sponsor.” Will Schweitzer, President Silverchair
Morressier is proud to support ConTech this year for the 2022 meeting! The information industry is in a state of disruption, and we can’t wait for this meeting’s insight and inspiration on the power of data, content, and technology to transform how information is shared.” Sami Benchekroun, CEO and Managing Director
“ConTech 2022 brings together discussions around publishing processes and workflows, technologies complementing as well as disrupting them, and the future of the end-to-end publishing value chain. This overlap excites us and aligns with our goals at TNQ. We are pleased to be sponsors for the second time.” TNQ Technologies
Register today to join us and discover your reasons for being part of this fast-moving event
Book now at https://www.contech.live/contech2022
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