Open Access

MDPI and TU Delft Adopting Flat Fee Model in Extended Partnership 

MDPI, the no. 1 scholarly open access publisher, is pleased to announce a renewed three-year partnership with Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. The agreement features a fixed lump-sum fee covering publishing for the entire duration, from 2024 through 2026. 

IOP Publishing expands open access in Asia Pacific region with its first Read and...

IOP Publishing (IOPP) has secured its first ‘Read and Publish’ transformative agreement in Taiwan, demonstrating its dedication to expanding open access (OA) to research in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region and at scale globally. 

American Physical Society to Offer No Cost Journal Access to Scientists in More Than...

The American Physical Society (APS) has partnered with Research4Life to share its journals with researchers from nonprofits in over 115 countries, territories, and refugee camps at no cost. The Society will also cover article publication charges for new submissions from scientists belonging to these eligible groups beginning Jan. 1, 2024.

The Company of Biologists renews Read & Publish agreement with The Spanish National Research...

The Company of Biologists is delighted to announce the renewal and expansion of our Read & Publish Open Access agreement with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) from 2024-2026.

ASM International, AACR and SciSummary latest to join GetFTR

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), ASM International, and SciSummary, become the latest partners to join GetFTR - Get Full Text Research. GetFTR provides researchers with quicker access to the published content they are entitled to via their institutional subscriptions, alongside access to open access (OA) and free content in both hybrid and fully OA journals.

DEAL Consortium and Springer Nature Renew Successful Open Access Agreement for Germany

Following news last month of both parties' intention to reach an agreement, the German DEAL Consortium and Springer Nature have announced the signing of a new Open Access (OA) agreement that will boost international reach and impact for Germany-based researchers and provide academic institutions in Germany with open access publication options and reading access to world-leading content.

BioOne Announces Subscribe To Open Pilot

Washington DC - BioOne, the leading nonprofit aggregator in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences, today announces a bold plan to offer up to 80 society titles as part of a Subscribe to Open (S2O) pilot beginning in January 2026.

IOP Publishing and Manipal Academy of Higher Education announce new Read and Publish agreement...

IOP Publishing (IOPP) and the Manipal Academy of Higher Education have finalised a Read and Publish agreement as they work towards breaking down barriers to publishing open access (OA) for researchers from lower and lower middle-income countries. 

Optional Pre-submission Services Available Through AuthorMate Platform

Straive is our official partner for copyediting and typesetting. Unlike other publishers we provide authors with full XML typesetting, English language copyediting and proofreading services at no extra charge.

Latest TA from Springer Nature sees Open Access momentum build across East Asia

Springer Nature has agreed its first transformative agreement (TA) in South Korea with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), supporting over 11,000 affiliated researchers to publish OA at no cost to them, and benefit from the positive impact OA has on research usage and reach.

Springer Nature and Projekt DEAL to build upon their landmark Transformative Agreement 

Springer Nature has today announced the intention for a new 5 year Transformative Agreement (TA) with the German DEAL Consortium. This will  build upon its successful landmark 2020 agreement, which has delivered  a more than  threefold increase in open access (OA)  article output with around 15,800 OA articles published in 2022, including almost 15,000 under DEAL.

Over 700 institutions in 42 countries are participating in The Company of Biologists’ Read...

Over 700 institutions in 42 countries are now participating. We have agreements with thirteen library consortia, following new agreements with IISER, JULAC and ZB Med – Information Centre for Life Sciences as well as the renewal and expansion of our agreement with Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL).