Open Access

Springer Nature’s Transformative Agreement with Lyrasis Champions Equity

Springer Nature has reached a new Transformative Agreement (TA) with Lyrasis, a non-profit member organization working globally to serve libraries and other institutions. The four-year deal covers some 120 institutions and includes eight Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) benefiting from greater access to articles.

The Company of Biologists announce new Read & Publish Open Access agreements with consortia...

The Company of Biologists is pleased to announce new Read & Publish Open Access agreements with the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL), Canada and the Digital Resource Acquisition Alliance of Chinese Academic Libraries (DRAA) consortium, China.

New Springer Nature Transformative Agreements Widen Global Impact of U.S. Research

Springer Nature has reached new Transformative Agreements (TAs) with VIVA – Virginia’s academic library consortium – and OhioLINK, Ohio’s academic library consortium, that will boost open science, increase coverage for underserved researchers, break down barriers to access for funding, and broaden the reach and support for open access (OA) publishing in the United States.

All journals open access in 2024 following successful Subscribe To Open round

EMS Press is delighted to announce that all 22 journals in its Subscribe To Open (S2O) programme will be published as open access for the 2024 subscription period. This means that for the first time the Press’s annual journal output will be entirely open access, with a blend of S2O and Diamond publications. 

RSC signs new open access scheme with 77 German institutions

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and the TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library, which is the German national library for science and technology, have signed a new open access ‘Platinum model’ agreement. The four-year deal provides unlimited RSC publishing services – including submission, peer-review, hosting, indexing and promotion – to authors and readers at 77 German research institutions without charge.

The Company of Biologists renews Read & Publish Open Access agreement with the Max...

The agreement will run from 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2026, and corresponding authors at Max Planck Society’s 86 institutes can continue to publish research articles immediately Open Access (OA) in our hybrid journals (Development, Journal of Cell Science and Journal of Experimental Biology) and our fully Open Access journals (Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open) without paying an article processing charge (APC).

Wiley and Vanderbilt University’s Heard Libraries Sign Agreement to Publish More Open Access Research

Wiley, one of the world’s largest publishers and a global leader in research and learning, today announced a new 5-year open access agreement with the Jean and Alexander Heard Libraries at Vanderbilt University, beginning on January 1, 2024.  

Impact Boost for Mahidol University Research Through New Taylor & Francis Open Access Agreement

Researchers at Mahidol University in Thailand will be supported to publish open access (OA) journal articles through a new ‘read & publish’ partnership with Taylor & Francis. The three-year deal is Taylor & Francis’ first transformative agreement in Southeast Asia.

Springer Nature’s flexible approach to Transformative Agreements continues to drive global open access growth

Springer Nature has agreed a Transformative Agreement (TA) with the National Academic Network and Information Centre (TÜBITAK ULAKBIM). With over 2,400 open access (OA) articles published a year, it will be Turkey’s largest TA, significantly increasing scientific research and OA opportunities for the country’s researchers.

Springer Nature expands Transformative Agreements with Japanese universities driving further transition to Open Access

Expansion of pilot transformative agreements with the Research Universities Consortium and launch of a new transformative agreement model in Japan will see more than double the number of articles published open access in 2024.

Understanding key concepts in the UKRI open access policy

Jisc is supporting higher education with the transition to open access through the negotiation of a range of transitional (transformative) and open access agreements which enable UK research output to be published open access in accordance with UK funder policies, such as UKRI.

California Universities Partner with Wiley on Landmark Open Access Agreement

The 10-campus University of California system and 48 private and public academic and research institutions represented by the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC) have reached a new open access agreement with Wiley, one of the world's largest publishers.