Open Access

Switzerland and Frontiers reach national Open Access agreement

The Swiss research community strengthens its commitment to Open Access through a new national publishing agreement with the Lausanne head-quartered open-access publisher Frontiers.  Starting on 1st March 2022, this one-year pilot supports authors from 18 institutions, including hospitals, who are now able to publish in Frontiers’ broad portfolio of 146 journals, hosted on Frontiers’ award-winning open-science platform.

ACS and Universities of The Netherlands renew partnership to advance OA publishing

The Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Universities of The Netherlands (UNL) consortium have renewed their partnership to advance open access publishing. This signals their continued commitment to the principles of open science in a “read and publish” agreement, which is set to last for the next four years.

IOP Publishing strikes a new unlimited open access agreement with Max Planck Society  

IOP Publishing (IOPP) has established a new, unlimited, transformative open access (OA) agreement with the Max Planck Society, taking an important step forward in the transition of its journals to open access. The three-year agreement, which brings significant advances on their previous agreement, lifts all limitations for Max Planck authors, enabling them to publish all of their articles accepted for publication in IOPP’s full portfolio of 18 fully OA journals and 56 hybrid OA titles openly, with no author-facing APCs. 

EUA signs Action Plan for Diamond Open Access

EUA has signed up to the “Action Plan for Diamond Open Access” which aims to promote a sustainable, community-driven Diamond Open Access (OA) scholarly communication ecosystem. Published on 2 March 2022, the document is an initiative of Science Europe, cOAlition S, OPERAS and the French National Research Agency (ANR).

University of California and Wiley Partner to Publish More Open Access Research

The University of California and Wiley today announced an innovative one-year open access agreement pilot for 2022 that will make more of the University’s research available to read and share worldwide.

Springer Nature and Bibsam Consortium agree TA for Nature and the Nature Research journals

Springer Nature today announces a second Transformative Agreement (TA) to include its flagship title Nature. The agreement with the Bibsam Consortium in Sweden enables researchers affiliated with 10 initial institutions to publish their research articles accepted for publication in Nature and the Nature Research journals immediately open access (OA). This is at no cost to the individual researchers, as OA costs are covered by the consortium deal. 

Transformative Agreement Signed between the Microbiology Society and Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Microbiology Society and Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) are pleased to announce their transformative agreement starting in 2022. The Publish and Read model will allow researchers at affiliated institutions to publish an unlimited number of Open Access (OA) articles in hybrid and fully OA titles, as well as having full read access to the Society’s journals portfolio.

PLOS expands footprint in Sweden with a new publishing agreement with the Bibsam consortium

The Public Library of Science (PLOS) today announced an agreement with the Bibsam Consortium to participate in PLOS’ three innovative publishing models. This two-year...

Content from seven IOP Publishing journals now available on ResearchGate

ResearchGate and IOP Publishing (IOPP) today announced that 4,750 full-text articles from selected IOPP open access (OA) and hybrid journals can now be accessed on the...

Elsevier contributes to Open Access Monitor Germany with Scopus data

Elsevier, a global leader in research publishing and information analytics, and Forschungszentrum Jülich have today announced that they will be supporting the Open Access Monitor (OA Monitor), Germany by making metadata from Scopus, the abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, available to the database free of charge.

Enabling Open Access through clarity and transparency: a request to publishers

cOAlition S is delighted to see many publishers making moves to increase Open Access (OA) for research publications. However, some publishers’ practices still cause difficulties for authors who wish to exercise their right to make their Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) open access immediately on publication using the Plan S Rights Retention Strategy.

Support from library community for Subscribe-to-Open ensures continued open access for Mathematics titles in...

EDP Sciences and the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) have announced today that six mathematics journals will continue to publish in open access under the Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) model in 2022*.