Hindawi announces first partnership journal with a Chinese partner
Hangzhou Aimeida BioTech Co., Ltd. and Hindawi have recently entered into a publishing partnership agreement whereby the latter will publish and develop a fully open access journal – Advanced Gut & Microbiome Research (AGMR) – led by an Editorial Board who are all active members of their community. The journal aims to publish research articles, reviews, short communications, and commentaries on all aspects of gastroenterology and microbiology, and their interactions.
IntechOpen launches portfolio of open science journals
After years of being acknowledged as the world's leading publisher of Open Access books, today, we are proud to announce we’ve successfully launched a portfolio of Open Science journals covering rapidly expanding areas of interdisciplinary research.
Brill Strengthens Position in Biology and Open Access with Acquisition of Wageningen Academic Publishers
Brill, the leading international academic publisher in the Humanities, Social Sciences, International Law, and
Biology announces today that it has reached agreement with the shareholders of Wageningen Academic Publishers
B.V. (WAP) to acquire all shares in the business.
Wiley journal renewal now includes open access publishing options
As part of Washington State University Libraries’ renewal of their Wiley journal contract, WSU authors can now have articles published in roughly 1,400 different Wiley journals using an open access license without paying an article processing charge (APC). The service is available until the end of 2024, barring a cancellation of the Wiley package.
Frontiers announces first journal acquisition: Oncology Reviews
The open-access publisher Frontiers has acquired the journal Oncology Reviews from PAGEPress. The acquisition marks a significant milestone for Frontiers. It is the first journal the publisher has acquired since it was founded in 2007. Oncology Reviews is also Frontiers’ first proprietary Reviews journal, aiming to publish highly impactful reviews, thought-provoking editorials and opinion pieces.
Finland and Frontiers establish a national Open Access agreement
Facilitated by FinELib consortium and commencing on 1st April, this three-year agreement will allow academics from participating institutions to utilize all the benefits of open access while enjoying simplified processes and discounted fees for their institutions while publishing with Frontiers, the world’s third most-cited publisher.
cOAlition S and ALPSP publish toolkit to foster Open Access agreements
Smaller independent publishers, libraries, and consortia can now more easily enter into Open Access agreements thanks to a set of new tools published by cOAlition S and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP). Commenting on the publication of the toolkit, Colleen Campbell, coordinator of the OA2020 Initiative, said: “In order to foster a diverse, open scholarly publishing landscape, libraries and consortia need to broaden the scope of their negotiation strategies to embrace smaller independent publishers, but tailoring each agreement can take considerable time and resources. Shared standards and greater automation are required, and these tools give us a sound foundation from which to build.”
Support for UKRI’s Open Access policy, April 1st
We continue to support UKRI’s open access policy, which will see all peer-reviewed research articles resulting from its funding made universally and freely accessible to people everywhere from today. The spirit of Plan S and the open access movement continue to make progress. UKRI should be commended for its position and support of open access’s original model.
Advancing Open Science in Africa – three organizations collaborate to increase awareness and education
The Association for African Universities (AAU), the Public Library of Science (PLOS), and the Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) today announced that they will collaborate to increase awareness and provide training around Open Science practices and Open Access publishing in Africa.
Elsevier and Jisc sign three-year agreement to support transition to Open Access for UK...
body representing UK academic research institutions – to provide access to global research for UK readers, and to provide immediate open access to UK research for the world.
PLOS launches new feature to promote data sharing and access
The Public Library of Science (PLOS) today announced that it is testing a new experimental open science feature intended to promote data sharing and reuse across the PLOS journal portfolio. A subset of PLOS articles that link to shared research data in a repository will now display a prominent visual cue designed to help researchers find accessible data.
PeerJ signs deal with the International Association for Biological Oceanography to launch first PeerJ...
PeerJ, the award-winning Open Access publisher, has announced an agreement with the International Association for Biological Oceanography (IABO) to launch the first PeerJ Hub, a community-led scholarly publishing channel for IABO’s members.