Jisc launches review of open access and the role of transitional agreements
To kick start the slow shift towards fully open access academic publishing, Jisc has launched a review. Commissioned and governed by Jisc’s strategic groups with input from Deltathink, an open access data and analytics company, the aim is to gather evidence, agitate discussion in the higher education sector and make recommendations for action.
New IEEE Open Access Journals Receive First Impact Factors
IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization advancing technology for humanity, announced today that 12 of IEEE’s new fully open access journals launched in 2020 were accepted for indexing by Clarivate.
Launch of New National Open Science Strategies
Several European countries have launched or renewed national open science strategies in recent months. These policies aim to co-ordinate the development and implementation of open access, research assessment reform, and other elements of open science between national actors.
NISO Approves Working Group to Develop Recommended Practice for Operationalizing Open Access Business Processes
Voting members of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) have approved the formation of a Working Group to develop a Recommended Practice for operationalizing open access (OA) business processes.
Taylor & Francis Launches New Open Access Books Initiative Supported by Jisc
Taylor & Francis announces a new international collective funding pilot, Pledge to Open, which aims to publish 70 open access (OA) books on a broad range of global issues, including climate change, mental health, women’s rights, and race.
Oable and RightsLink partner to support open access workflows in libraries worldwide
Oable, Wiley’s cross-publisher payment and reporting solution for institutions, and RightsLink for Scientific Communications, the industry-trusted platform for shared OA management by Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), are partnering to connect libraries and publishers globally.
Consulting the research community on cOAlition S’s “Towards Responsible Publishing” proposal: an Invitation to...
The European Science Foundation-Science Connect (ESF-SC), on behalf of cOAlition S, is seeking to engage a third-party contractor to devise and run a large-scale consultation with the research community regarding cOAlition S’s draft proposal, “Towards Responsible Publishing
IEEE and CRUE Sign Three-Year Transformative Agreement to AccelerateOpen Access Publishing in Spain
IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, announced today that it has reached a three-year open access agreement with CRUE, a consortium of Spanish universities, to support authors in Spain who wish to publish open access.
BMJ expands open access offering across Europe
Leading global healthcare knowledge provider, BMJ, is expanding its open access offering across Europe through three Read and Publish agreements with leading institutions in France, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Université Côte d'Azur, and Université de Bordeaux.
IOP Publishing accelerates OA publishing in Oman with Sultan Qaboos University agreement
Sultan Quaboos University (SQU) and society publisher IOP Publishing (IOPP) have established a transformative agreement enabling researchers to publish their work openly for anyone to read at no cost to them. It is IOPP’s first unlimited publishing agreement in Oman supporting the University’s ambition to make scientific research accessible to as many people as possible.
University of Hertfordshire joins national open access deal with Frontiers as publishing partner
We would like to announce that the University of Hertfordshire has joined the national open access deal agreed between Jisc Collections and Frontiers. This deal provides a simplified and streamlined route to open access publishing for researchers in the UK, who publish 7% of the world’s research.
Over 650 institutions in 41 countries are participating in The Company of Biologists’ Read...
Over 650 institutions in 41 countries are now participating. In addition, a further two library consortia; the Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER) and the Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee (JULAC) Consortium in Hong Kong, have also recently signed agreements increasing the number of participating consortia to 12.