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PLOS receives $3.3M grant to support Open Access publishing & business model transformation

PLOS has been awarded a $3.3million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, underscoring its commitment to pioneer a shift away from traditional publishing models. The 3-year funding package from the Gates Foundation will support PLOS’ transition towards APC-free publishing by enabling authors, funded by the foundation, to publish with PLOS without facing APC barriers, and to contribute to open access publishing options for authors who do not have access to funding

New report suggests open data on edge of becoming a recognised global standard for...

New analysis suggests that open data practice is now on the edge of becoming a standard, recognised and supported scholarly output, globally. As part of the latest in the State of Open Data series, produced by partners Digital Science, Figshare and Springer Nature, direct author-sharing practices have been analysed from a funder, country and institutional level.

Springer Nature delivered continued growth in the first nine months of 2024 and confirms...

Springer Nature, a leading global research, health and education publisher, reported continued growth for the first nine months of the 2024 financial year. Revenue amounted to €1.37 billion, representing, on an underlying basis, a 6% increase over the same period in 2023.

Clarivate Reveals Highly Cited Researchers 2024 List

Clarivate Plc , a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, today revealed its 2024 list of Highly Cited Researchers™ – influential researchers at universities, research institutes and commercial organizations around the world who have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their field(s) of research.

Altmetric now tracks clinical impact of research

Digital Science is pleased to announce that its flagship product Altmetric, which gauges the online attention of research, has added a new attention source: Clinical Guidelines.

Taylor & Francis Announces Open Access Collective Funding Pilot

A new Taylor & Francis pilot aims to support open access (OA) publishing using a combination of existing funding sources, enabling authors of every article type to choose OA at no cost. Collective Pathway to Open Publishing (CPOP) has been designed as an OA solution for Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) journals, especially those focused on regions with a high uptake of OA agreements.

Clarivate Launches New Sustainability Research Solution

Clarivate Plc, a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, today announced the launch of ProQuestTM One Sustainability. The new solution is an expansive, curated, multi-format content collection designed to meet the growing demand for sustainability curricula across research, teaching and learning.

Silverchair To Acquire ScholarOne From Clarivate To Expand Investment & Innovation In Critical Publishing...

Silverchair, the leading independent hosting platform partner for scholarly and professional publishers, today announced signing a definitive agreement with Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT), a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, to acquire ScholarOne Manuscripts and ScholarOne Conferences (“ScholarOne”).

cOAlition S announces the release of an independent study on the impact of Plan...

cOAlition S is pleased to announce the release of an independent, comprehensive study assessing the impact of Plan S on the scholarly communication landscape. Conducted by scidecode science consulting, following a tender process, this study provides the first assessment of the impact of Plan S five years after its launch.

Biochemical Society journals transformed

We’re delighted to share that we will have a compliant open access (OA) route for all papers published in Biochemical Society journals in 2025, completing our planned transformation to an OA publisher.

Signals launches free research integrity submissions evaluation platform to help restore trust in research

We started Signals to help build a transparent foundation for identifying problematic articles as well as trustworthy and valuable research outputs. Our greater goal...

Clarivate Repeats Success in Nobel Prize Predictions with Eight New Winners Identified by Citation...

Clarivate Plc a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, today announced the success of its annual Citation Laureates™ program, following the accurate forecast of eight Nobel Prize 2024 recipients.