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Pearson unveils technology to measure complexity of text

Pearson today announced the creation of the Pearson Reading Maturity Metric, a new and more accurate measure of the reading difficulty of texts. Developed...

Pubget unveils beta version of cloud app for managing research papers

Today Pubget announces the availability of PaperStream Beta, a cloud app for accessing, managing and sharing research papers across teams. Pubget.com changed the way...

Elsevier releases Malaysian edition of Baillière’s Nurses’ Dictionary

Elsevier announced today that nursing students in Malaysia can look forward to better understanding medical terms with the adaptation of the popular Baillière’s Nurses’ Dictionary. The...

Swets acquires Accucoms

Swets announced earlier today that it has completed the purchase of Accucoms, a leading provider of sales and marketing services to academic and professional...

NIACE Launches Its Own eBook Platform

The National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) has launched an eBook platform for its adult learning content that uses an eContent hosting product...

New interim CEO to be appointed at JISC as executive secretary retires

After 35 years of working in post-16 education and research, Dr Malcolm Read executive secretary at JISC will retire in January 2012. Malcolm joined JISC...

Publishers See Revenue Opportunities from School Improvement Grants for Textbooks

Publishers of textbooks and providers of educational materials, tools and services are finding market opportunities from the U.S. federal School Improvement Grants program which...

ALA Council supports Out of School library programs

he Council of the American Library Association (ALA) passed a resolution encouraging ALA members to tell their legislators, as well as local and national organizations and...

Applications and the scientific research workflow

How can applications make a positive impact on the scientific research workflow? Rafael Sidi, VP of SciVerse Applications and Developer Network at Elsevier explains...

Apple and major publishers face lawsuit over ebook ‘price fixing’

Penguin, Macmillan and HarperCollins among firms accused of colluding to scupper Amazon's consumer-friendly $9.99 rate A class-action lawsuit has been filed in the US alleging...

JUSP Portal helping 100 libraries evaluate journal subscriptions usage

At a time of economic constraint it is essential that libraries can evaluate usage and make a compelling case about the value of journal...

Wiley-Blackwell Launches First Mobile Application in Sociology

Wiley-Blackwell Launches First Mobile Application in Sociology Wiley-Blackwell, the scientific, medical and scholarly publishing business of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., is launching its first...