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French publishers drop $14 million book-scanning lawsuit against Google

Three French publishers dropped a 9.8 million-euro ($13.8 million) lawsuit against Google Inc. (GOOG) over books scanned by the search-engine company. Editions Albin Michel SA, Editions Gallimard...

Michael L. Taylor, Md, Joins The Healthcare Business Of Thomson Reuters

Michael L. Taylor, MD is joining the Healthcare business of Thomson Reuters as vice president and national business medical leader. Dr .Taylor comes to Thomson...

STM, British Library frame licence agreement for document delivery outside UK

The British Library and the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers (STM) have agreed a framework licence agreement to be entered into...

Registration now open: Berlin 9 Open Access Conference

Registration is now open for the Berlin 9 Open Access Conference, to be held November 9 & 10, 2011 at the Howard Hughes Medical...

Ingram Content Group launches print and distribution programme Global CONNECT

Ingram Content Group Inc. today announced the launch of Global CONNECT, a new worldwide program combining Ingram’s print and distribution services and a network...

Publish-or-perish: Peer review and the corruption of science

From the Guardian: Pressure on scientists to publish has led to a situation where any paper, however bad, can now be printed in a journal that...

RIN, JISC to release report on the usage and impact of data centres

This report provides an analysis of the usage and impact of a number of research data centres, representing a cross-section of research disciplines in...

Publishing Technology China launches at the Beijing International Book Fair

Publishing Technology plc (LSE: PTO), the largest provider of software and services to the publishing industry, has announced its expansion into the prospering Chinese...

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins wins 11 Apex Awards for Excellence in Publishing

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, is pleased to announce that seven LWW published journals have won 11 highly regarded awards in this year’s Apex Awards for...

ACS event witnesses over 150 scientific reports on sustainability and green chemistry

With “sustainability” on the minds and lips of more and more people — determined to use resources today in ways that do not jeopardize...

Steve Jobs Resigns as CEO of Apple & Recommends Tim Cook

Apple’s Board of Directors today announced that Steve Jobs has resigned as Chief Executive Officer, and the Board has named Tim Cook, previously Apple’s...

OCLC to offer Atlas Systems’ free electronic document delivery software

Atlas Systems, the leading provider of time-saving solutions for libraries, has announced that OCLC will extend its suite of resource sharing services with Odyssey™...