Events & Webinars

ConTech Pharma – programme is out now

ConTech.Live is excited to announce the release of the ConTech Pharma initial programme which is shaping up to give delegates a phenomenal day of learning

Shifting power centres in scholarly communications – The One Day Conference 2019

A joint UKSG/ALPSP One Day Conference: The pace of change in our sector has accelerated - and that change has also become more wide-reaching. We are moving beyond the “fall out” from the digital revolution – and its implications for user behaviours, customer expectations, product formats and business models – into a much bigger shift, where established roles and accepted models are being questioned.

ConTech Pharma – Making analytics deliver from trusted content

ConTech Pharma 2019 is focused on how a new generation of technology is impacting the world of content.

NEW ALPSP seminars – I Never Metadata I Didn’t Like & The rise of...

Two new seminars from ALPSP - The rise of the RFP: How to embrace and get the most out of your RFP processes & I Never Metadata I Didn't Like.

ConTech Forum hits exactly the right spot

Last week at the ConTech Forum, another event held mid-year as part of ConTech.Live, the audience heard from the innovators, pioneers and businesses taking a futuristic approach to what they do.

ConTech Forum 21st June, London: the next technological revolution is here, be part of...

“AI is the ultimate competitive advantage. If you are not implementing it right now it’s not just that you’ll be years behind I would venture to say there are some companies that in 10 years’ time may not exist without these technologies” Michael Puscar – Oiga Technologies, speaking at ConTech 2018.

ConTech Live. Full calendar of events for 2019 now up.

A full programme of ConTech Live events for 2019 has now been launched. The inaugural ConTech event last November, the conversations since, and the need in this space has led to the creation of some exciting new events for 2019.

ConTech Forum: where conversations continue, and the future is shaped!

The ConTech Forum opened for registration just two weeks ago with complimentary tickets being offered to speakers and delegates who attended ConTech 2018.

ConTech 2018 opener Andrew Burgess is creating a huge buzz with his keynote “Starting...

Without giving too much away – what is the core message of your talk and what would you like delegates to remember? “I’ll be explaining what AI...

ALPSP – Acquiring and Selling Publishing Assets

Aimed at business leaders and senior editorial staff, this small, focused briefing is a rare opportunity to get valuable insight and advice from lawyers and brokers working on publishing acquisitions

ConTech 2018 is open for business in just two months from now – catch...

The world of publishing has been forged from two great waves of technology - the invention of the printing press and the creation of the internet. Those who attend ConTech 2018 will get to grips with the next, third wave of technology that is already revolutionising the world of publishing.

ConTech 2018 announces major new collaboration with DataBeers.

ConTech 2018 is thrilled to announce that the next DataBeers London event will be taking place this November in partnership with our conference. DataBeers is...