Events & Webinars

What does real digital transformation look like for a content business?

ConTech.Live - The unfolding evolution of the content business. New technologies are transforming the way publishing works. Content creation, dissemination and consumption face a multiplicity of new opportunities and challenges. It is more important than ever to move with the times and the ConTech.Live team is helping make sure the best content is coming your way.

SSP Announces 2020 New Directions in Scholarly Publishing Seminar: Community, Collaboration, and Crisis

The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) has announced the program for its fourth annual 2020 SSP New Directions Seminar in Scholarly Publishing, happening online from September 30 to October 1.

ConTech Week 2020 16th to 19th November – conference programme announced today

ConTech Week 2020 features four half day sessions of talks, interaction and networking. ConTech will set the scene on what real digital transformation looks like for your content business. You can re-evaluate that business, focus deeply on your users and explore and discover how technological innovation is changing the competitive environment forever!

Webinar – How to succeed with content marketing

Top tips to create evidence-based digital stories enticing wider audiences to engage with world-leading research and innovation Throughout the course of the pandemic, people have...

From Transition to Transformation

UKSG, the organization that connects the knowledge community, has announced the programme for this year’s November conference. The event, usually held in London as the “UKSG One-Day Conference”, will this year be held online as the “UKSG Online Conference”, over two half days (November 11th and 12th).

The experience of getting a “No Code” Open repository.

Yann Mahé – MD MyScienceWork tells us how to build and maintain a powerful open source repository with little to no IT skills.

Frankfurter Buchmesse presents its digital concept

In October, books, literature and authors are traditionally the focus of life in Frankfurt. To ensure that remains the case in the year of COVID-19, Frankfurter Buchmesse (14–18 October 2020) has developed a wide-ranging digital programme to complement the face-to-face meetings that will take place on the fairgrounds and at the many events in the city.

German government provides Frankfurter Buchmesse with 4 million euros

German Minister of State and Culture Commissioner Monika Grütters is supporting the Frankfurter Buchmesse with 4 million euros from the country’s NEUSTART KULTUR stimulus package. The aim of the funding is to enable as many exhibitors from Germany and abroad as possible to take part in Frankfurter Buchmesse (14–18 October 2020) during the ongoing corona pandemic.

Upcoming ConTech Webinars

Upcoming ConTech Webinars: Our insightful series of webinars at 4.30pm BST each Wednesday continues

ConTech Week 2020 a global online event focusing on the unfolding evolution of the...

New technologies are transforming the way publishing works. Content creation, dissemination and consumption face a multiplicity of new opportunities and challenges.

The unfolding evolution of the content business – ConTech.Live 2020

ConTech.Live launched a series of weekly webinars at the beginning of May which cover a range of highly relevant and useful topics. From AI in content, science and education to the challenges of working from home or job-seeking in the current climate, we set out to cover topics that are central to the way we are working and doing business today.

Discover how AI and other technologies are changing the way content businesses work

New technologies are transforming the way publishing works. Content creation, dissemination and consumption face a multiplicity of new opportunities and challenges.