TED Talks veteran, world class journalist, publisher and thought leader to close ConTech Week...
Esther Dyson is an author, world class journalist, publisher, early stage investor and thought leader. She sits on the board of multiple organisations, has presented TED talks, blogged for The Huffington Post and spoken at numerous global conferences on the impact of new technologies.
Enago Hosts a Virtual Conference on the Future of Research and Higher Education with...
Enago, the trusted name in author services for the global research community, invites researchers, university administrators and publishing professionals to See The Future, a virtual conference with distinguished experts in scientific research and higher education, including a Nobel Laureate.
Where is Content headed? A conversation with new influencers at ConTech Week 2020 16th...
Where is Content headed? A conversation with new influencers at ConTech Week 2020 16th to 19th November
ConTech – Welcome to the future – your content business in 2030!
The year is 2030. It is ten years since the global pandemic of COVID-19 changed our world and our working environments, and a decade since phase 2 of digital transformation forced wholesale change in publishing. You are a key decision maker for a mid-sized, user-focussed information analytics business.
Underline To Host Slate Of Leading Scientific Conferences Fall 2020
Underline (www.underline.io) has secured partnerships with several leading scientific associations to produce and host important scientific and academic conferences Fall/Winter 2020. These meetings were intended to be held in-person, but organizers pivoted to Underline and a virtual format due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
ConTech – AI is here, it is now and it is changing content businesses...
Artificial Intelligence is transforming the way publishing works. This is happening now and is at the heart of the ConTech.Live vision. Attend ConTech Week 2020 and gain key insights into the future of content businesses.
Springer Nature launches its first virtual hub at Frankfurt Book Fair 2020
With the Frankfurt Book Fair not taking place as a physical event this year, Springer Nature is instead opening its doors to its first virtual hub.
OpenAthens announces plans for Access Lab 2021 conference
Identity and access management specialist OpenAthens has announced the details of its annual Access Lab conference which will take place virtually on Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 March 2021.
ConTech – How is technological innovation changing the competitive environment?
Register now for ConTech Week 2020, now taking place from the 16th – 19th November. Four afternoons of keynotes, from the likes of Ian Mulvany, CTO at BMJ and Paul Groth, Professor of Algorithmic Data Science at the University of Amsterdam
ConTech – Is your content business properly focused on your users?
In today’s smartphone era, it's no longer just the quality of your content that matters. Speed and ease of access and a new, user-led focus are now just as important. What are your users interested in? What outcomes are they looking to achieve? How do they want to consume the information you have?
ConTech – Are you re-evaluating the business you are in?
True digital transformation of content businesses is required to meet the challenges posed by rapidly emerging technologies. This change of mindset will be explored as one of the ConTech Week core themes.
Important Announcement about the Future of APE
As announced at the end of APE 2020 Conference in January, the years-long organiser Arnoud de Kemp had found a solution for the future of APE and that he would enter into a co-operation with the Walter de Gruyter Foundation, the family charity set up by the heirs of the publisher Walter de Gruyter in Berlin.