As one of the first publishers, Brill’s edited book volumes will be indexed by Google Scholar, the most influential web search engine for the scholarly world. Google Scholar allows users to search for digital or physical copies of articles, whether online or in libraries. It indexes full-text journal articles, technical reports, preprints, theses, books, and other scholarly documents. So far, Google Scholar has already been indexing Brill’s journal articles. As of now, this is also the case for Brill’s e-books.
Albert Schoenmaker, Senior Product Manager Platforms with Brill: “We see that Google Scholar is an important discovery tool for scholars to find our journal articles. In Brill’s main subject areas, books are an important channel for scholarly communication. Our users will welcome the enhancement of Google Scholar in relevant books in their field.”
Brill has adjusted its Books and Journals platform to allow book content to be indexed by Google Scholar, thus improving the discoverability of this content. The adjustments have been made in close cooperation with platform provider Ingenta.
Justin Ackerman, Customer Services Director at Ingenta commented: “We have been working closely with Google Scholar for some time now, looking at innovative ways to link researchers with the wealth of information available via our platforms. Our work on BrillOnline should significantly improve the discovery of its book titles via the indexing facility and ultimately drive more traffic to the site as a result.”
For more information, please contact Albert Schoenmaker, Sr. Product Manager Platforms: Schoenmaker@brill.com