The BMJ Group today announced the renewal of their long‐standing partnership with HighWire Press, the premier hosting platform for scholarly publishers. “In recent years, BMJ Group has developed a reputation for being one of the most innovative and influential STM publishers,” said Peter Ashman, Publishing Director at the BMJ Group. “The re‐launch of the bmj.com and the successful expansion and development of our portfolio of specialty titles is due in no small part to our partnership with HighWire. The dedication, teamwork and management of our projects with HighWire has been outstanding. We’re very happy with our decision to renew that partnership.”
Tom Rump, HighWire’s Managing Director, agrees: “Our job is to ensure that the BMJ Group content, in conjunction with the most innovative ePublishing platform, extends its visibility and discoverability into the scholarly marketplace. HighWire’s Open Platform is fulfilling its promise to future‐proof our customers as we move into the next generation of scholarly publishing.”
The co‐development project between BMJ Group and HighWire has been a model of the versatility of the HighWire Open Platform. “With teams in both the UK and California, it’s been an extraordinary time for bmj.com”, said Ian Hopwood, IT Director at the BMJ Group. “We now sit squarely in the driver’s seat, managing the front end of our digital portal via HighWire’s Drupal modules, selecting what is displayed in real‐time from news to top articles. Absolutely key to this success story is that HighWire’s platform is extremely open and flexible, and with it our ability to meet a whole host of future demands.”