The 17th APE 2022 Conference, which will once again be online-only, is tackling the vital question of the future of the permanent record of science. The APE 2022 Conference begins next week on Tuesday, 11 January 2022 at 1300 hrs CET and continues during the afternoons of Wednesday and Thursday, 12 & 13 January 2022. Tickets are still available.
The Berlin Institute for Scholarly Publishing (BISP) and the Program Committee of the APE 2022 Conference are pleased to confirm that the program contains a large number of outstanding speakers, panels and sessions on timely and useful subject again this year.
Dr. Caroline Sutton, the incoming CEO of the International Association of STM Publishers, will open the conference and offer her own perspective on the theme of the conference and the key roles that scholarly communication generally – and publishers specifically – play.
BISP and APE are especially fortunate that Professor Maria Leptin, PhD, the President of the European Research Council (ERC) will give the first keynote on “Quality and Equity in Academic Publishing” and the role that funders should play in this context.
Professor Leptin will be followed by Todd Carpenter, Executive Director of the US National Information Standards Organization who will speak on “Building a Framework for the Future of the Record of Science”. Liz Ferguson of Wiley will introduce the keynote speakers.
Further highlights from the six panels and sessions and individual papers will cover:
- the “dark side” of the publishing universe (moderated by Liz Marchant of Taylor & Francis and including, among many others, Professor Christian Behl of the University of Mainz on trust and Professor Bernard Sabel of the University of Magdeburg on paper mills)
- the worth of a version of record and its role as an anchor for both upstream and downstream innovation (introduced by Professor Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe of the University of Illinois, moderated by Anne Kitson of Cell Press/The Lancet and including Professor Ulrich Dirnagl of the Charité in Berlin, Professor Behl, Bernd Pulverer of EMBO Press and Dr. Niamh O’Connor of PLoS who will also be presenting her paper on “Publishing as a Process” later on the day),
- a paper on metadata quality in a world with very diverse research outputs by Martyn Rittman of Crossref,
- a panel on ensuring public access to research data and how CHORUS might support such an endeavour will be moderated by Nick Campbell of Springer Nature and includes Rick Anderson of Brigham Young University, Michael Levine-Clark of the University of Denver and Judith C. Russell of the University of Florida,
- a session on how we can foster inclusion, diversity and equity in scholarly communications which will be moderated by Christene Smith of De Gruyter and will include Jessica Gedamu of Springer Nature, Dr. Nicola Nugent of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Nancy Roberts of Umbrella Analytics and Ylann Schlemm of the Elsevier Foundation and Research4Life.
Dr. David Crotty of The Scholarly Kitchen and Clarke & Esposito will give the 2022 APE Lecture on “Life in a Liminal Space”.
The program also includes the ever-popular “New Dotcoms to Watch” session presented by Drs. Eefke Smit and Dr. Joris van Rossum of STM with five new and exciting start-ups in the scholarly communication space.
A further highlight of this year’s program is a panel on how we can foster entrepreneurship and innovation in scholarly communications moderated by David Worlock of Outsell and featuring Ijad Madisch of ResearchGate and Sami Benchekroun of Morressier.
The 17th APE Conference will take place virtually from 11 to 13 January 2022 and will be “broadcast” from Berlin. Tickets are still available, including discounted tickets for academics and students.
For further information, please contact:
- Marta Dossi, Director Operations, BISP, marta.dossi@berlinstitute.org
- Eric Merkel-Sobotta, Managing Director, BISP, eric.merkel-sobotta@berlinstitute.org
BISP and the APE Program Committee would like to thank its sponsors (De Gruyter, Elsevier, Morressier, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis Group and Wiley) and its co-sponsors (Atypon, Digital Science, MDPI and STM) for their continued support and engagement.