For the first time, Amazon’s U.K. eBook sales are outpacing its print sales, the company announced.
The company’s unaudited figures demonstrated that so far this year, for every 100 hardback and paperback books sold on the U.K. version of its website, customers bought and downloaded approximately 114 eBooks.
In that time, the company has seen a 400 percent increase in the number of independent authors and publishers in the U.K. who use Kindle Direct Publishing to share their work, ZDNet reported. Three of the 10 bestselling authors in the 2012 U.K. Kindle Store rankings utilized this method.
Amazon has also highlighted the fact that U.K. customers bought an average of four times as many books after purchasing or receiving a Kindle than before, the Guardian reported.
While the preeminence of eBook sales is new to the U.K branch of Amazon, it is not new to the company as a whole. Overall sales of Kindle books surpassed the combined sales of hardcover and paperback books in May of last year.