ConTech.Live webinars, ConTech 2021 call for speakers’ reminder and discover ways to become part of the ConTech community today.
ConTech.Live webinar 4.30pm (BST) 9th June 2021
“Is putting the content consumer at the centre of information products really that important?”
Right now, a lot of energy of publishers is being focused on being more user centric. Putting their consumers at the centre. Even adopting a strategy of reinventing the information industry around the user. As the economic power shifts to authors and readers this may be long overdue. Or is this missing a bigger picture shift and are there other alternatives to consider?
Tommy Doyle a futurist, angel investor and veteran executive from the STM and Information Services Industry discusses some of the themes he is exploring beyond the current focus of the industry and what the implications may mean. Joined by Clive Snell MD of ConTech.Live this webinar is a live conversation and presents lots of opportunity for a group discussion. This is a free to attend 30 minute event sign up here to attend!
ConTech 2021 will take place on the 16th and 17th November and will be a hybrid event, the call for speakers must close this Friday 28th May and is open to both virtual and onsite speakers. Click here to view the themes and learn more about the event and we welcome you to please submit here.
The ConTech Forum is a half day virtual event on the 15th June that explores the intersection of content and technology and how data science, AI and other emerging technologies are changing the content landscape. Delegates will get:
Full access to the programme and post event material
Recorded sessions which can be viewed for 6 months post-event
Full price of ticket deductible against a fully paid ticket to ConTech 2021
All for just £65.00 +VAT – learn more andregister here today!
ConTech Week 2020 was a phenomenal event with some exciting topics and speakers. We are excited that now 6 months later the videos are available to view and are open access to all. Go to https://www.contechlive.com/full-video-access and find hours of fantastic content.
There are so many ways to become part of the ConTech community today.
Find out more about all of our events https://www.contechlive.com/
ConTech.Live – where execution meets strategy to deliver change