John Wiley & Sons, Inc, the world’s leading society publisher, today announced an increase in impact factors across more than half of its indexed titles. According to the 2015 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), recently released by Thomson Reuters®, 58% of Wiley journals increased their impact factor from 2014 to 2015. Wiley had 1,204 journals indexed (73% of the Wiley portfolio), an increase on the previous year, with 11 Wiley titles receiving their first impact factor in this year’s JCR release.
In addition, 26 Wiley journals achieved a top-category rank, including CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians (Impact Factor of 131.723, ranked #1 in Oncology), World Psychiatry (Impact Factor of 20.205, ranked #1 in Psychiatry – an increase of 42% on last year) and Biological Reviews (Impact Factor of 10.725, ranked #1 in Biology).
“We are delighted to see an increase in the number of Wiley journals receiving an impact factor this year and new titles appearing on the list for the first time. In an ever-changing research landscape, Wiley is committed to supporting the research community and working in partnership with editors, authors and society partners, to further research outcomes. We are proud of the support we offer to our journal authors at every step of the publishing process and are looking to the future by investing in new technologies, partnerships and strategies so that our authors continue to have maximum impact in their field.” said Philip Carpenter, Executive Vice President, Research, Wiley.
In Physical Sciences the journals Advanced Science,ChemElectroChem, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, and Advanced Materials Interfaces received their first impact factor.
Wiley journals continued to lead within their subject categories with Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering ranking as the top journal in four categories, while International Journal of Energy Research retained its #1 ranking in the Nuclear Science & Technology category. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Mass Spectrometry Reviews, and Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis all made a return to their top positions.
In Life Sciences The American Geophysical Union (AGU) has two #1 ranked journals;Water Resources Research(ranked #1 in Limnology), and Paleoceanography(ranked #1 in Paleontology). Additionally, Earth’s Future, an AGU open access journal, received its first impact factor of 5.620 and ranked #5 in Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences and #6 in Geosciences, Multidisciplinary.
Land Degradation and Development increased its impact factor from 3.089 to 8.145 (ranked #1 in Soil Science) and Wildlife Monographs (The Wildlife Society) is still ranked #1 in Zoology (impact factor of 5.125).
In Health Sciences three journals are ranked #1 in their category: CA:A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, Periodontology 2000, and World Psychiatry, with CA holding the #1 spot in Oncology for several years running and Periodontology 2000 moving into the #1 spot from #5 in 2014. Of the 322 Health Sciences titles listed in the 2015 JCR, 56% saw an increase in impact factor and 56 titles appear in the top 10% of their category. 14 journals, 11 of which are Wiley Open Access, appeared in the 2015 JCR.
In Social Sciences and Humanities, six journals are ranked #1 in their category including The Economic History Review,Econometrica,The Journal of Finance, Perspectives in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication and American Journal of Political Science, with AJPS holding the #1 spot in Political Science for a number of years running. Of the 352+ Social and Behavioural Sciences and Humanities titles listed in the 2015 JCR, 67 titles appear in the top 10 of their category.