Wiley’s performance in the 2018 release of Clarivate Analytics’ Journal Citation Reports (JCR) remains strong, maintaining its position as #3 in terms of the number of titles indexed, articles published, and citations received. Wiley saw a 9.5% increase in JCR articles, giving it 9.7% overall share (+0.6%) – its biggest increase since 2008.
A total of 1,223 Wiley journals were included in the reports, 58% of these were society publications – reaffirming Wiley’s position as the world’s leading society publishing partner. Wiley journals ranked #1 in 27 categories across 25 titles and achieved 349 top-10 category rankings.
The annual Journal Citation Reports (JCR) are one of the most widely-used sources of citation metrics used to analyse the performance of peer-reviewed journals. The most famous of these metrics, the Impact Factor, is based on the frequency with which an average article is cited in the JCR report year. Alongside other metrics, this makes it an important tool for evaluating a journal’s impact on ongoing research.
“We are pleased with Wiley’s strong performance and increased share in the 2018 JCR results,” said Judy Verses, Executive Vice President, Research, Wiley. “As a customer-focused organization researchers are our ‘North Star’ and at the very core of our mission – we are committed to continually helping our authors, editors and societies to create impact and support their goals, in order to advance research, discovery and learning.”
In Health Sciences, five journals are ranked #1 in their category: Addiction, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle, Periodontology 2000,and World Psychiatry. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians retained its #1 spot across the entire JCR and its Impact Factor increased to 244.585. World Psychiatry also retains its #1 rank in the Social Science Citation Index, increasing its Impact Factor to 30.000. 70 titles achieved top 10 category rankings and International Journal of Older People Nursingreceived its first Impact Factor.
In Social Sciences, nearly 350 titles appeared in the 2018 JCR. Of these, seven journals are ranked #1: American Journal of Political Science, Econometrica, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Journal of Finance, Population and Development Review, Public Administration Review, and Social Issues and Policy Review. 71 titles ranked in the top 10 of their category and four titles received their first Impact Factor: Presidential Studies Quarterly, Sociology Compass, PsyCh Journal and Geography Compass. Statistics in Medicine remains the top cited journal in Medical Informatics with over 23,000 citations, twice that of the next title.
In Physical Sciences, Advanced Materials Technologies (4.622) received its first Impact Factor and ChemistrySelect (1.505) its first-half Impact Factor. Wiley journals continued to lead within their subject categories and 46 titles achieved top 10 category rankings. Six titles ranked #1 in their category including International Journal of Energy Research, Mass Spectrometry Reviews and Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry. WIREs Computational Molecular Science held its #1 position for the fourth straight year and Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering topped two categories.
In Life Sciences, Food Science and Nutrition (1.521), Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine (2.695), and WIREs Water (3.943) received their first Impact Factor. There are 85 journals in the Top 10 for their subject category within the Life Sciences, notably WIREs Water achieved a top ten rank with its first Impact Factor. Eight titles ranked #1 in their fields including Reviews in Aquaculture, The Palaeontology Society’s flagship journal Palaeontology, Global Change Biology, and Global Biology Change Bioenergy.