Wiley-Blackwell, the scientific, technical, medical and scholarly publishing business of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., today expanded its partnership with the British Educational Research Association by announcing the publication of two further journals together. In 2013 the British Journal of Educational Technology will be joined at Wiley-Blackwell by the British Educational Research Journal and the new Review of Education: An International Journal of Major Studies in Education.
The British Educational Research Association (BERA) is the largest and leading educational research organisation outside of the United States. Formed in 1974 the association brings together psychologists, sociologists, historians, philosophers and other professionals to explore perspectives in education.
The prestigious British Educational Research Journal (BERJ), an international publication containing world-class articles of interest to researchers in education, will be published by Wiley-Blackwell from 2013. The journal currently holds an Impact Factor of 1.14 and a Ranking of 47/177 (Education & Educational Research), and is edited by Professor Vivienne Baumfield (University of Glasgow), Professor Ian Menter (University of Glasgow/Oxford University), Professor Peter Gronn (University of Cambridge), Dr. Hilary Cremin (University of Cambridge), Professor Joanne Hughes (Queen’s University Belfast) and Professor Ruth Leitch (Queen’s University Belfast).
The Review of Education, launching in 2013, will be the only journal outlet for publication of both major studies and substantial reviews in education, with a genuinely international reach and orientation. It will also, uniquely, publish comprehensive Research Syntheses.
The journal, which will be online only, will integrate supplementary materials, such as video abstracts, interviews and teaching resources, published alongside articles, allowing authors to maximise the impact of their work. The new journal will be edited by Professor Vivienne Baumfield (University of Glasgow), Professor Ian Menter (University of Glasgow/ Oxford University) and Dr. Alis Oancea (Oxford University).
The two journals will join the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), which has been published by Wiley-Blackwell since 1997 and joined BERA’s publication programme in 2011. The journal holds an Impact Factor of 2.139 and a Ranking of 11/177 (Education & Educational Research).
“BERA is committed to ensuring that high quality educational research is disseminated as widely as possible so that it can inspire other researchers, inform policy makers and practitioners and stimulate public debate. The partnership with Wiley-Blackwell in the production and publication of two highly esteemed peer-reviewed journals, and the launch of a third, will help us realise these goals,” said Mary James, President of BERA. “The new journal, Review of Education, provides a really exciting opportunity for BERA to publish extended scholarly works of major national and international significance. We believe it will become a landmark publication in the field.”
Philip Carpenter, Vice President and Managing Director, Social Sciences and Humanities at Wiley-Blackwell said: “We are delighted that BERA has decided to deepen its existing partnership with Wiley-Blackwell through a new publishing arrangement for the British Educational Research Journal. Both BERJ and BJET represent some of the world’s leading educational research and the journals will sit at the forefront of our diverse and growing education publishing programme. We are also extremely pleased to be launching with BERA an exciting new reviews journal, which we believe has the potential to be the most significant new journal in its field for many years.”