Known for providing high-quality chemical information in the field of organic synthesis, Thieme Chemistry has provided approximately 700,000 distinct structures to PubChem – the open chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In addition to the structural information, the upload includes more than 1,200,000 distinct links from chemicals to the Thieme Chemistry journals and online product portfolio, enlarging the number of chemical structures in PubChem with links to the scientific literature.
PubChem is an open database of chemical molecules at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and is used by several million users worldwide. It collects information on chemical structures, identifiers, biological activities, chemical and physical properties as well as patents, health, safety and toxicity data. Since the launch in 2004, PubChem has become a key chemical information resource for scientists, students, and the general public. Now thousands of structures and links to Thieme’s chemistry journals SYNTHESIS, SYNLETT, SYNFACTS, as well as to the online reference works Science of Synthesis and Pharmaceutical Substances have been uploaded to the PubChem portal. Of the 700,000 Thieme Chemistry chemical structures deposited to PubChem, 89 percent did not have literature links prior to this contribution. In addition, 42 percent of the 700,000 chemical structures are new to PubChem.
“We recognize the importance of linking our publications and making our quality content more accessible to scientific researchers worldwide. We want to ensure that the published scientific work of our authors and editors is read and cited as much as possible. This collaboration with PubChem will make our structures and articles more visible as well as provide valuable information to the chemical community” says Dr. Fiona Shortt de Hernandez, Director Digital Services and Strategic Partnerships, Thieme Chemistry.
Thieme’s contribution, which was facilitated by InfoChem, a longstanding collaboration partner with Thieme Chemistry, improves the discoverability of information about chemicals: “We are proud and very pleased that all the chemical information created during over twenty years collaboration with Thieme now find its way into the world’s largest free chemical database. This deposition of approximately 700,000 Thieme compounds makes them even more discoverable to the scientific community”, says Dr. Josef Eiblmaier, Managing Director at InfoChem.
With its scientific publications, Thieme Chemistry, a part of the Thieme Group, provides chemists in research, science and industry with highly evaluated specialist information on synthetic, organic and general chemistry. All products of Thieme are available in electronic format and predominantly in English language. Full access to current awareness articles from SYNFACTS, primary literature journal articles from SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT, full-text synthetic methodology reviews in Science of Synthesis and encyclopedic information from Pharmaceutical Substances is subject to journal subscription or licensing.