The Company of Biologists is delighted to announce the renewal and expansion of our Read & Publish Open Access agreement with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) from 2024-2026.
From 2024, corresponding authors at more than 100 CSIC research institutes will now benefit from publishing an uncapped number of accepted Open Access research articles in our two fully Open Access journals – Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open, in addition to our hybrid journals, Development, Journal of Cell Science and Journal of Experimental Biology – without paying an article processing charge (APC). Researchers at participating institutions also benefit from unlimited access to the journals and their archives dating back to 1853.
Agnès Ponsati, Director of the Scientific Information Resources Unit (URICI), Spanish National Research Council, says:
“In 2021, CSIC signed a transformative agreement with The Company of Biologists that supported the publisher’s transition to Read & Publish models. URICI, in its strategy of promoting open access to research outputs, has followed the path of collaborating in this transition with both large publishers and smaller ones, such as The Company of Biologists. In the renewal of this agreement for 2024, the step is taken to also incorporate two fully Open Access journals, since they have been shown to be of great interest among the CSIC’s biology community.”
Rich Blount, Regional Sales Manager at The Company of Biologists, says:
“We are delighted that our continuing partnership with CSIC has enabled us to expand the number of journals from three to five from 2024, which will in turn offer more opportunities for authors in over 100 CSIC research institutes to submit fee-free Open Access articles.”