The Summon service has further expanded its discovery of Chinese content with the addition of academic content from CALIS, the China Academic Library and Information System. The new agreement allows the Summon Service to include abstracting and indexing metadata of 560,000 dissertations and theses. These represent the output from Chinese universities, which have had one of the world’s largest growth rates in Ph.D. production over the last two decades.
CALIS is a nationwide academic library consortium funded primarily by the Chinese government. Its goal is to promote, maintain and improve library resource sharing among Chinese universities, between academic libraries and other libraries and information institutions.
In addition to the soon to be added content from CALIS, the Summon service already contains more than fifteen million dissertations and theses from a variety of publishers and providers including ProQuest Dissertations and Theses as well as many institutional repositories. A significant portion of this content is searchable in full text.