AJE (American Journal Experts) Language editing services are being piloted for Springer Nature book authors and editors to help speed up the publication and review process
Springer Nature has today announced a new pilot with American Journal Experts (AJE)* which will see its AI-driven editing services being made available to book authors and editors. It will enable authors to have their manuscripts improved by grammatical errors being corrected as well as improving phrasing and word choice. The service will allow them to spend less time preparing their work for publication and have more time doing the research that drives society forwards.
Speaking of the pilot, Henning Schoenenberger, Director Books Publishing Solutions at Springer Nature said:
“We’re committed to supporting our authors and editors in making research communication faster, fairer, and effective to ensure that their high quality research is as usable, reusable and findable as possible. One way in which we do this is through the development, and use, of innovative software and high quality services for the global research community – AJE’s digital editing tool is one example. We are excited to trial the services for our books authors and editors, ensuring that we continue to expand our offerings to address the rapidly evolving needs of the academic community.”
The pilot will be accessible to Springer Nature book authors and editors in selected disciplines**. The Digital Editing service is AI-driven and provides rapid editing for manuscripts. Its AI is uniquely trained as it is conditioned on edits by PhD-level editors from more than 447 areas, over 200 field-specific topics, and both the original and edited files, allowing it to make up to three times more changes with 95% accuracy. The free access is available to Springer Nature authors and editors for the rest of 2022. It is selected at the contract-signatory stage so that it can be used as authors start drafting and preparing their manuscripts, as well as a few months before manuscript handover to offer additional assistance with reviewing and editing the complete manuscript.
Speaking of the pilot, Amye Kenall, VP of Product and Publishing at AJE commented:
“We are delighted to be working closely with Springer Nature to trial these services to a wider community through the expansion to their book authors. We look forward to continuing to co-develop innovative new services and ensure their accessibility and relevance for all”.
More about Springer Nature’s author and editor services can be found here.