Springer recently celebrated the addition of its 100th title to the SpringerOpen family of open access (OA) journals, in addition to its existing BioMed Central portfolio. The launch of the Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development (www.jserd.com) not only secures Springer’s position at the forefront of OA publishing, but also signifies its commitment to establishing open access as an option for all disciplines. Springer has more than 330 fully OA journal titles.
Springer is further proving that OA is a viable option for all researchers, regardless of their areas of specialty. By publishing open access journals in areas as diverse as mathematics, economics, business and the hard sciences, among others, Springer is accelerating its growth of OA titles into all disciplines.
“Open access is a sustainable part of scholarly publishing today, and will continue to develop in the years to come,” remarked Peter Hendriks, President STM Publishing for Springer. “We want to be the best at serving researchers and libraries, and by offering a growing number of OA options in all disciplines, Springer is working hard to meet the needs of these important stakeholders.”
All content of SpringerOpen journals – including research articles, reviews, and editorials – is fully and immediately open access, and is accessible to anyone with an internet connection. No subscription is needed. SpringerOpen journal articles are subjected to the same rigorous peer review as Springer’s subscription journals, and published under the Creative Commons Attribution license.
Earlier this year Springer announced SpringerOpen Books, bringing the OA option to book authors as well. Efforts like these, along with its established BioMed Central brand, all comprise a large and growing open access portfolio. For more information visit www.springeropen.com.