How can foreign publishers operate successfully in China? What opportunities does the Indonesian book market offer? What role do national institutions play in the Mexican publishing industry? How is the Turkish children’s book market evolving?
China, Indonesia, Mexico, Turkey: these and three other relevant book and media markets are the focus of THE MARKETS – Global Publishing Summit, the new conference to kick off the Frankfurt Book Fair (14-18 October 2015).
As part of the one-day conference, to be held the day before the fair officially opens, industry experts from these regions will provide exclusive insights into their respective markets and valuable first-hand knowledge. “With THE MARKETS, we’re helping our clients tap into business potential, recognize prospective areas for business and make personal contacts”, says Juergen Boos, Director of the Frankfurt Book Fair. For each book market, one segment will be examined in detail:
China – International partnerships and joint ventures
Germany – Academic publishing and specialist information
Indonesia – Trade publishers
Mexico – Trade publishers
South Korea – Education and children’s books
Turkey – The total market
USA – Digital publishing and innovation
Personal contacts and first-hand market knowledge
Each of the seven markets will be presented by an analyst from the respective country, who will explain and highlight the market’s potential and the business opportunities for which it is best suited. The invited experts will provide an overview of trends and overarching market developments. Placing the individual markets in a global context, they will reveal what makes each of these markets unique and where the opportunities for business and growth lie.
Directly initiating contacts will be at the heart of meetings with the seven market representatives from each of the respective regions, who, in individual or group discussions, will also respond to detailed and individual questions and call attention to opportunities.
Speakers at THE MARKETS include:
Niels Peter Thomas, Executive Vice President, German Language Science Publishing, Springer Science & Business Media
Liu Zhong, Director of International Cooperation, China Publishing Group
Nubia Macias, Director, Planeta México
Wandi S. Brata, CEO, Gramedia (Indonesia)
Eric Yang, CEO, RH Korea (formerly Random House Korea)
Nermin Mollaoğlu, The Kalem Agency (Turkey)
Chantal Restivo-Alessi, Chief Digital Officer, HarperCollins (US)
THE MARKETS will take place on Tuesday, 13 October 2015. In the coming weeks, the Frankfurt Book Fair will be publishing a series of profiles of the seven markets.
Turkey: dynamic development thanks to print
The Turkish book industry has experienced a significant upswing in the past decade. Since 2005, the number of published books has increased by 300 per cent (Source: Seven Essential Publishing Markets for 2015. Compiled for THE MARKETS: GLOBAL PULBISHING SUMMIT by Publishing Perspectives). According to the Turkish Publishers Association Türkiye Yayıncılar Birliği, the Turkish book market is growing between 13 and 15 per cent annually. It holds thirteenth place in the global ranking of book markets in terms of annual turnover.
“Even though factors like domestic political turmoil, the Euro crisis, and the instability of the region are curbing overall economic growth, the boom in the Turkish book market continues”, says Emrah Özpirinçci, Managing Director of Oxford University Press Turkey. Government funding and a growing presence at important foreign trade fairs are also contributing to the sector’s momentum, he explains.
The Turkish Publishers Association registered an increase in book production in 2014 of 4.6 per cent over the previous year. According to their data, 1,732 Turkish publishers issued a total of 50,752 titles in 2014 (compared to 47,352 in 2013) (Source: Turkish Publishers Association). In 2014, total sales reached roughly 2.5 billion euros (compared to 2.3 billion euros in 2013), with educational books and textbooks accounting for almost 56 per cent of this figure.
Of the titles published, 30 to 35 per cent are translations, primarily from the English – a growing trend. That makes the Turkish market attractive to licensing representatives. At the same time, according to Banu Ünal, publisher of Günışığı Kitaplığı, which specialises in children’s books, and a speaker at THE MARKETS, this also represents the greatest challenge for Turkish publishers. In her view, it is a question of adjusting the imbalance between rights acquisitions and sales. “We need to make it clear that Turkey isn’t just a consumer market, but also a producer of its own distinct literature, in particular in the children’s and young adult book sector.”
An additional challenge, according to the literary agents UK and Instanbul has like Nermin Mollaoğlu (Kalem Agency), is the large number of pirated copies. No less than some 40 per cent of all books sold in Turkey are illegal copies. In 2013 alone, the Turkish police seized roughly 30 million pirated copies.
E-book market still at an early stage
The global trend towards digitisation has not bypassed Turkey. Yet the development of the Turkish book market continues to be driven by demand for printed books. With a mere 1.3 per cent share of the country’s total book market, the e-book market is still in its infancy. In 2013, just short of 7,000 electronic titles were available. Nevertheless, experts expect accelerated growth in the sector and predict a ten per cent market share by 2017. The underlying conditions are favourable: Almost 50% of households in Turkey have Internet access, and 41% of Turks use the Internet on mobile devices. Roughly a quarter of these users use the Internet for online shopping, 15% of them to buy magazines, newspapers and e-books (Source: Publishing Perspectives). Also worth remembering: a quarter of the country’s total population of 77 million is under 25 years old.
Overview of the Turkish book market (2014):
Book production 2014: 561,103,770 copies
Bookstores: 6,000
Publishers: 1,732
Distribution companies: 145
Sales: 2.5 billion US dollars
Average number of books purchased per inhabitant: 7.3 (Source: Turkish Publishers Association Türkiye Yayıncılar Birliği)
THE MARKETS: Global Publishing Summit
Organised by the Frankfurt Book Fair and Publishing Perspectives
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Further information about the event and how to register is available online athttp://www.TheMarkets2015.com and http://www.book-fair.com.