The discovery platform ScienceOpen is partnering with Compuscript/International Science Editing in China to develop new products tailored specifically for the Chinese market.
Chinese researchers face tremendous hurdles in communicating their research results to the rest of the world – from language barriers to internet restrictions and the traditional western bias of the scientific literature. Over their 15-year history in China, Compuscript/International Science Editing have built a strong local network to help overcome these challenges, providing editorial and technical support to Chinese researchers, editors, and institutions. With its freely accessible, interactive discovery environment of over 45 million articles and records, ScienceOpen can put Chinese journal content in context with a web of connections to the broader research framework. In combination, the two companies hope to develop new solutions for Chinese journals to increase their impact in the wider scientific community.
ScienceOpen’s discovery platform offers Chinese academic researchers a great opportunity to promote their research publications and cultivate their peer networks outside China. ScienceOpen also offers huge discoverability opportunities for Chinese language journals that traditionally host inside China but have some English language content, such as abstracts and translated featured articles. Hosting this content on ScienceOpen really brings this work to the global scholarly community in a much more discoverable and open manner. Through our International Science Editing service we have been working with Chinese individual researchers and publishers for over a decade. We all appreciate that free access to knowledge drives creativity, innovation and development and as such we are very excited about the opportunity to promote ScienceOpen to the Chinese academic community.
Morgan Lyons, CEO, Compuscript
This is a great opportunity to partner with an established service provider to explore the needs of Chinese researchers and journals in terms of reaching new readers and markets. Our service portfolios are highly complementary and together we can provide a product that meets the needs of Chinese research. We already have several successful projects running, such as the Chinese General Practice journal.
Stephanie Dawson, CEO, ScienceOpen
With the growing volume of research conducted in China, new solutions are needed to facilitate the exchange of ideas across cultural boundaries. The partnership between ScienceOpen and Compuscript/International Science Editing is committed to grassroots solutions supported by cutting- edge technology.